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I can't play using my PC as host and my iPad as a client: Different version #'s.

It's not really a bug, but seems strange to roll out the iPad at v1.0.2009 while the PC version is at v1.0.2010.

"The multiplayer session has been terminated. The program version numbers for the serve and client programs do not match. Server program version: v1.0.2010 Client program version v1.0.2009b"

Any word on a patch for the iPad version?


  • BarriqueBarrique Member Posts: 3
    Same issue for me !
    Thanks in advance for the support
  • PelagiusPelagius Member Posts: 2
    I have the same issue ... when will be fixed?
  • bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336
    edited December 2012
    I believe updates need to be approved by Apple. The PC version gets pushed live immediately, iPads have to wait a bit.

    That is going to be a bummer though of they patch every couple days because that would essentially be breaking MP until the frequent patching stops.
  • tommytommy Member Posts: 401
    edited December 2012
    as a workaround, you should make a copy of your game before you install a patch, so that you have many different versions of the game(just copy the Savegame). Mac and ipad patches will always need more time than windows patches .
  • BarriqueBarrique Member Posts: 3
    Thanks Tommy!
    But the fact is that upgrade seems to be mandatory to access the game menu.
    Any idea to launch the game by skipping the patch screen ?
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