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Divine Remix ?

neoespritneoesprit Member Posts: 196
Hello there, would anyone knows if the fabulous Divine Remix mod will be made compatible with BG:EE in a near future ? I've always liked the fact that I could play with Viconia as a Nightcloak of Shar and Branwen as a Battlepriest of Tempus etc...

So if anyone there can update me on that ...

also, I used to mod a lot of kits with soundset and specific items some years ago, and I'd like to know what's changed in the modding process for BG:EE. I have a lot of time atm and I wouldn't mind trying to mod again, either by working on making mod compatible with BG:EE or creating new ones.


  • neoespritneoesprit Member Posts: 196
    edited December 2012
    Ok so I tried to install it anyway just to see how far I could go, and after choosing language and different option, I was prompted to install the core addon. Instalation started but after a few seconds it cancelled due to an error :

    ERROR locating ressource for 'COPY'

    Resource [acolyte.cre] not found in KEY file:


    Stopping installation because of error.

    I tried to look at the .tp2 file and remember my little understanding of how it works from some years ago but I must admit I was unable to find what's wrong... So if anyone see this and know if something can be done that would be great !
  • horredtheplaguehorredtheplague Member, Developer Posts: 186
    Simple--the mod was made for BG2, and the resource acolyte.cre is not present in BG:EE. There's a lot of these files not present, so no surprise. All you do in the tp2 is run a text search for acolyte, and place two forward slashes before the line. Or, delete it if it's part of a series of creatures being changed.
  • neoespritneoesprit Member Posts: 196

    Simple--the mod was made for BG2, and the resource acolyte.cre is not present in BG:EE. There's a lot of these files not present, so no surprise. All you do in the tp2 is run a text search for acolyte, and place two forward slashes before the line. Or, delete it if it's part of a series of creatures being changed.

    some discussion about the whole thing lightened me on the subject and sadly, it's much more complicated than a few missing resources (that can be extract with NI ^^). Apparently someone's working on it so I'll wait and keep an eye on the subject =)

    Thanks for taking the time to answer though ;)

    I remember your pseudo from somewhere but can't figure out where (modding community on spellhold maybe ?)
  • horredtheplaguehorredtheplague Member, Developer Posts: 186
    neoesprit said:

    Yep, that's the place--SHS, and before that a forum at TeamBG (Big Picture mod)

  • neoespritneoesprit Member Posts: 196
    ah ok so my memorie's not so bad then =D

    Nice to see you around :)
  • EdwinEdwin Member Posts: 480
    @horredtheplague ?The Big Picture mod...that brings back memories (an only a few nightmares :-) ).

    Cheers M8
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