[Bug] Casting 'Entangle' slows down the game to unplayable

on iPad 3, not just the FPS are reduced to just a few but the game slows down a lot. Every time an enemy cast that spell, I have to reload from a save game or wait for a minute or so until it passed. I read this happened since original BG, can at least remove/simplify the visual effect of it so the game is playable with it? thanks
You don't play alot of video games, do you...
iPad3. Lovely BG playing is absolutely impossible while spelling. Including multi-classes, I have three mages in Black Pits company. Could U realize, how "happy" am I ? ))))
One pal has iPad2. This situation is the same again.
It remains to patch.
I mean, yea the AoE spells are an issue, but I don't know where this mega list of yours is supposedly hidden.
- Default sound for main character stops working. Character repeats same line in chat/text box over and over.
- Enemies are not spawning as they are supposed to. Sometimes waylayed by enemies but no one is there.
- Equipped weapons break but no message is given and no broken weapon spawns in inventory.
- Mega FPS drop while casting spells.
- Game crashes after death cinematic.
- Game crashes when you press "Load Game" after death cinematic.
- Game crashes when loading new area.
- Game crashes when you try to load a new game after dying (about 50% of the times, work around is to go to main menu and load from there).
- Quest entries disappearing without reason.
- Journal bug. Can't scroll through the journal (not quest log) without selecting text.
- Sound becomes completely distorted while fighting some kind of nymph/sea maid/whatevah enemies in an area on the west side of the world map.
- While scrolling the camera movement commands are sometimes issued.
Furthermore there are parts of the game that are simply unpolished. For example:
- Hard to enter certain buildings.
- Hard to pick up loot.
- Little feedback showing whether or not you've selected an enemy.
- Little feedback on where entryways are located and what things can be interacted with, such as signs (this is because of lack of mouse cursor).
- Can't rotate which way party is facing.
- Can't "press and hold" on spells in spellbook to get information unless you've filled up your spell slots.
- No exact HP shown on portraits.
That's what comes to mind right now. Then there are of course countless other bugs that other people have experienced.
I haven't had a single crash yet on the iPad 3.
The only issue I've had are the Journal problem where it insist I edit when I want to scroll, and the unintented movement when scrolling the camera.
I've had an FPS drop when casting Entangle, but nothing serious.
I've had all the issues you've entered under "unpolished", and they are very annoying and I so hope they'll get fixed.
Maybe I'll run into some of the serious issues you mentioned when I play on, but so far I haven't. (Knock on wood).
I reboot my iPad 3 regularly, as an easy way to free RAM on the device.
There's a lot of apps and games having memory issues and crashing if its not done often.
With a device like the iPad, it's easy to overlook to reboot, because the device usually just work..
Don't know if that's the culprit on your end, at least when it comes to the crash issues, but it can't hurt to try..
With that said, I can confirm the following errors based on my experience in the last 2-3 days:
- Equipped weapons break but no message is given and no broken weapon spawns in inventory.
-> sometimes i see broken weapons, sometimes i don't. It *seems* the scimitar doesn't show broken weapon in inventory, might be because scimitars didn't exist in BG1 until TotSC?
- Mega FPS drop while casting spells.
-> happens with some spells (druid roots / mage color spray.
- Game crashes after death cinematic.
-> not always, but seen it happen quite often - perhaps 30% of the time?
- Game crashes when you press "Load Game" after death cinematic.
-> not always, but seen it happen quite often - perhaps 30% of the time?
- Game crashes when loading new area.
-> not always, but seen it happen occasionally - perhaps 5% of the time?
- Game crashes when you try to load a new game after dying (about 50% of the times, work around is to go to main menu and load from there).
-> same issue as the "death cinematic" crash, right?
- Quest entries disappearing without reason.
-> quest log is very buggy - sometimes have to scroll to previous or later chapters to have the quests appear again.
- Journal bug. Can't scroll through the journal (not quest log) without selecting text.
-> happened exactly once for me this past weekend.
- While scrolling the camera movement commands are sometimes issued.
-> yeah, happens quite often and is annoying in fights.
Furthermore there are parts of the game that are simply unpolished. For example:
- Hard to enter certain buildings.
-> true, but mostly when doors are hidden from view, right? This was also a problem in the PC version as well, but to me it just seems part of the game.
- Hard to pick up loot.
-> only loot that was really hard for me to pickup was the Ankheg armor in Nashkel en the ring in the woods near Friendly Arms Inn. Rest was (for me) manageable.
- Little feedback showing whether or not you've selected an enemy.
-> might be able to change settings for this? Haven't tried, but there are some "feedback" options ...
- Little feedback on where entryways are located and what things can be interacted with, such as signs (this is because of lack of mouse cursor).
-> good point, perhaps some indicators should be visible for entryways? - though it might ruin the atmosphere of the game a bit.
- Can't "press and hold" on spells in spellbook to get information unless you've filled up your spell slots.
-> yes - imo if you have a finger pressed for like 1.5 secs on a spell, it should show info page. Only short time touches should be used to memorise spells (and not show info page)
Are you sure you aren't waylaid by a bear or something that is not overtly hostile? I've been waylaid several times and it seems to have worked every time.
Not sure this qualified as a bug so much as a feature needed. Should probably throw a 'weapon unusable' message though.
Some spells, yes.
Doesn't happen to me.
Doesn't happen to me.
Doesn't happen to me.
Doesn't happen to me.
Haven't seen it, but can't say I've really tried to track it.
Can't duplicate but will try.
Haven't been there yet.
I get the movement 'target' icons, but they don't actually move to the location. Probably needs some tweaking.
Also noticing severe lag when near too much running water, like the waterfall down south with the dead cat.
How come you guys missed this before the launch?
Any quick and dirty way to fix this? (or quick and clean) :-D