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Add more Bard Songs to the various Bard types

soteforarsoteforar Member Posts: 2
edited December 2012 in Archive (Feature Requests)
I don't know the AD&D 2nd edition rules well enough to say if there ever were additions made to bards in the form of more bard songs to play (or omissions of bard songs, on the part of the original BG developers, that were there from the beginning), but if there were, it'd be nice to include some of those, so that the bards can be significantly more varied in their unique thematic category of action, and the player can pick which song to play depending on the circumstances.

If I was completely new to the game or ruleset, I might expect a bard to be able to perform a variety of pieces (inspirational, confusing, frightening, etc. - the effects depending on the Bard type), much like a close-combat fighter can proficiently use a variety of weapons, an archer a variety of bows and arrows, and a spellcaster a variety of spells, but this is not so, to my disappointment.

(If I was new to the game, I might even have believed that a bard could learn new songs and melodies to sing and play, much like a mage can learn spells from scrolls, but neither is this so. Of course, if these things never were in the rules, and they want to stick to the rules at least somewhat, I suppose such a thing shouldn't be added.)

If more songs are to be added, I hope they will also be visually and aurally distinct, which ties into another thread of mine related to bard songs:
Post edited by soteforar on


  • soteforarsoteforar Member Posts: 2
    edited December 2012
    I've just noticed that the Icewind Dale expansion pack, "Heart of Winter", added some more bard songs to the standard bard... but in BG1, and so far in the EE, there aren't multiple bard songs for any one bard, or have I missed something?

    The list of those available in Heart of Winter:

    * The Ballad of Three Heroes
    * The Tale of Curran Strongheart
    * Tymora's Melody
    * The Song of Kaudies
    * The Siren's Yearning
    * War Chant of Sith

    I feel the EE should at least be at the level of an old Icewind Dale expansion pack when it comes to the bard, in this respect... (I'm not saying these are necessarily the songs that "should" be added, but that having their level of variety, and, for further EEs of the series, building upon it, would be nice.)
    Post edited by soteforar on
  • IchigoRXCIchigoRXC Member Posts: 1,001
    I think the issue at the moment is that they don't have the right for IWD, so they can't steal the Bardsong's from there and in theory they can't copy how they are done (I assume). It would be nice if I was incorrect in this and they could copy them, or if they got the rights to IWD and updated the engine with the new songs.
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