A few bugs: No +4 damage bonus and P.Dragon's claws
Member Posts: 3,460
In the original game, when you attack an enemy who has no melee weapon equipped, with a melee weapon, you get +4 to hit and +4 damage bonus. It is according to PnP rules, if I am not mistaken. This makes huge importance in low level play. Like, normally an xvart will do 1-6 damage to Imoen with its shortsword (unless it is a crit.) but if you fail to equip Immy with a melee weapon and she only has her shortbow, that xvart will do 1d6+4 damage now, possibly killing her. Also, this damage bonus was multiplied by backstab modifiers too, so doing a backstab on a ranged weapon equipped character resulted in HUGE damage. (that +4 damage is multiplied too!) And vice versa for the players, the first thing I did was have everyone equip a melee weapon (even a puny dagger) when backstabbers were around. Otherwise the backstabber will enjoy a total of +8 to hit (+4 for backstab, +4 for attacking a person with no melee weapon) and multiply +4 damage bonus for up to +20 (or 7x4=28, in case of highest level assasins) bonus damage.
Sadly, I think +4 damage bonus is not there in the game. +4 to hit is there, but the attacks still do occasional 1-2 points of damage which is impossible if done with +4 damage bonus.
Another thing, I have selected find familiar as lvl 1 spell. Since my character is neutral good, he got a Pseudo Dragon. I have played with BGT extensively, and Pseudo Dragon was a totally overpowered there, since its claws force the target a save vs poison or render them uncouncious for 2 turns! (they are practicaly dead!)
In my BG:EE game, pseudo dragon does normal damage, but its sleep upon hit ability is not there. No enemy even makes a save vs death, it is just not there. While it balances the familiar in terms of low level game play, this is either a bug, or spell description and inventory/familiar item description is not updated, if it is a nerf.
Other than these, enjoying the game immensely. Zoom in feature, new NPCs and Black Pits are all great. Oh, I just remembered, when playing Black Pits, whenever a Wraith attacked my characters (or was it a wight?) it did level drain normally, however combat log said:'Missing String' instead of normal 'One level drained' massage. This might have been fixed with today's patch, haven't checked yet.
Sadly, I think +4 damage bonus is not there in the game. +4 to hit is there, but the attacks still do occasional 1-2 points of damage which is impossible if done with +4 damage bonus.
Another thing, I have selected find familiar as lvl 1 spell. Since my character is neutral good, he got a Pseudo Dragon. I have played with BGT extensively, and Pseudo Dragon was a totally overpowered there, since its claws force the target a save vs poison or render them uncouncious for 2 turns! (they are practicaly dead!)
In my BG:EE game, pseudo dragon does normal damage, but its sleep upon hit ability is not there. No enemy even makes a save vs death, it is just not there. While it balances the familiar in terms of low level game play, this is either a bug, or spell description and inventory/familiar item description is not updated, if it is a nerf.
Other than these, enjoying the game immensely. Zoom in feature, new NPCs and Black Pits are all great. Oh, I just remembered, when playing Black Pits, whenever a Wraith attacked my characters (or was it a wight?) it did level drain normally, however combat log said:'Missing String' instead of normal 'One level drained' massage. This might have been fixed with today's patch, haven't checked yet.
The familiars most likely have scaled stats. The totemic summons were given scaled abilities to keep them from being unstoppable in the early game. I imagine the familars have had a similar alteration.
Yeah I thought they must have scaled down familiars. But spell and item descriptions are not updated, they still assume pseudo dragon has sleeper claws.