Best F/T combo for BG1

Hello boys and girls!
I just tried out a new character. I wanted to see which fighter/thief combo is the best. In addition I wanted him to be special, so he's dual wielding daggers.
So this is what i found out:
Starting out as a berserker and then dual-class to thief gave the best combination, as opposed to multi-class (elf), swashbuckler and T/F dual-class.
The B/T had higher HP, Thief skills and had 3 attacks instead of 2 per round. This is beacuse you can get 4 * in dagger and 3 * in TWF. In addition you can rage.
However, the T/F dual gets 1 better THAC0 for each hand. MC elf didn't even come close, but the swashbuckler is just below F/T dual because he gets an extra to hit. But he loses backstab.
That beeing said, this only applies to BG1. If you are planing to play though the entire Saga, B/T might not be optimal.
And btw, dual wielding daggers is insane! Best weapon combo ever! It does less dmg on paper, but the quick animations just makes it seem OP. Even at lvl 1.
I just tried out a new character. I wanted to see which fighter/thief combo is the best. In addition I wanted him to be special, so he's dual wielding daggers.
So this is what i found out:
Starting out as a berserker and then dual-class to thief gave the best combination, as opposed to multi-class (elf), swashbuckler and T/F dual-class.
The B/T had higher HP, Thief skills and had 3 attacks instead of 2 per round. This is beacuse you can get 4 * in dagger and 3 * in TWF. In addition you can rage.
However, the T/F dual gets 1 better THAC0 for each hand. MC elf didn't even come close, but the swashbuckler is just below F/T dual because he gets an extra to hit. But he loses backstab.
That beeing said, this only applies to BG1. If you are planing to play though the entire Saga, B/T might not be optimal.
And btw, dual wielding daggers is insane! Best weapon combo ever! It does less dmg on paper, but the quick animations just makes it seem OP. Even at lvl 1.
But nice idea, I'll try it on my next run
Technically the berserker is the best fighter due to it's brokenly powerful enrage (that has been sorely in need of nerfs since SoA came out) making you basically immune to all status effects and several spells for it's duration..also gives +2 hit/damage, with no real penalty.
The Kensai have some decently high Backstabs, but comes with some pretty stiff penalties and needs to be at least 13 to really compete with a 9 dualed berserker.
Though, I'd recommend a Multi-class F/T for BG1..the others are better suited for dualing in the sequel (you really need at least lvl 9 or you're gimping yourself for no reason).
Daggers are some of the worst weapons in the game. They deal pitiful damage, and by +2 just about any 1 hand weapon has an effective 0 weapon speed. The Longtooth (1d6+2) or the dagger of venom (1d4 +2 + poisons) are the only 2 daggers in the game that can even try and compete. In the sequel, the Firetooth (dagger) is pretty decent, since it hits like a bastard sword (2d4 +3 +1d2 fire) and is on fire...but you don't get it till fairly late (and the blade of roses longsword can be acquired basically at the beginning of the game for almost the same damage (2d4 +3)). And it defaults to a throwing dagger, so you have to manually change it to melee every time you swap weapons.
I agree with dualing in the sequel after atleast lvl 9. Zerker 7/thief 8 is pointless if you are doing the whole saga