Same IP address Multiplayer

in Multiplayer
My gf and I are trying to play a multiplayer game together. Naturally, as we live together and use the same internet, we have the same IP address. When either she or I creates a game and the other attempts to join it, the game will give the message to please wait seemingly indefinitely. I do not experience this problem when playing multiplayer with my buddy in California. Is this an issue for anyone else? How can I fix or otherwise get around this? Thanks all in advance.
Is it a wireless internet you are using provided by the place you live at?
1) go to the start menu in windows and type "cmd" in the small search field.
2) write "ipconfig" in the dos prompt window that appears.
3) look for your ip it should be something like "192.168.1.X" the X is the unique number for your specific computer. Your router will always have the number 1 at the end, the routers own IP is therefore always 1.
4) write down this address (you do it on both computers of course to get both local IP's) and use that ip when connecting in the game.
5) if you have trouble, try removing firewalls etc. see if it helps.
You don't need hamachi if your on a local network, just that local ip. Remember as you might get a new local IP when you reboot / similiar things, it can change, so just follow these steps again if it's suddenly not working.