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Pickpocketing back Worn Whispers and other useful quest items

Giving the belt to Ushey in Friendly Arm Inn (or the stealth boots to that halfing in Beregost) is such a waste, doing that is pretty much gimping yourself, they should at least be pickpocketable :/ just turned in the belt and had to reload an earlier save, 'cause right now you can't pickpocket it back.


  • TJ_HookerTJ_Hooker Member Posts: 2,438
    With the boots I usually wait to turn the quest in for a while until I get the second pair of stealth boots available in the game. I usually just ignore Ushey and keep the belt, unless I'm playing evil, in which case an axe to the face is an effective method of getting the belt back from her.
  • MERLANCEMERLANCE Member Posts: 421
    If you dont want reputation loss for killing some of those guys, charm them, then use a Cursed Scroll of Monster Summoning and let whatever appears do the killing for you.
  • EphantEphant Member Posts: 19
    All these methods are viable, however making them pickpocketable would be much less stressfull for the new players (the belt is one of the first quests after all, and most of the parties will contain Imoen). It's a pain when you realise, after a while, that you've traded a very good item for a handful of gold and exp, and it happens few times in the game.
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