Party Formation Facing Direction

Shouldn't there be an option to adjust the party facing direction like you can on the PC? This is important tactically and it also helps fit your party into tight spaces when you can align the party formation.
BTW, if you press and hold a formation button there are more formations available including a follow-the-leader option.
I agree completely.
As much as I love the game both on my iPad and PC, Beamdog ought to have done more for the iPad in regards to an iPad specific tutorial, (preferred), or at least, as you suggest, a help file or read me, preferable in the game.
Also, in-game links to the manuals, which opens and reads fine in Safari on the iPad.
Bugs aside, they can and will be fixed, some not so good interface decisions may be changed for the better, but the tutorial and manual is the only help a new player have, and it's a big problem for a lot of people, which they could have avoided.
I hope they get the chance to look into this, even though they have a lot of stuff on their plate as it is.
*pleas correct me if i am wrong*
While I don't disagree with you, there are some problems in your argument...namely, that this isn't an iPad's a PC game, ported to the iPad...better say it that this is a Multi-Platform game ported to the iPad as a platform. What you're talking about is a completely re-designed and re-worked interface for the iPad...and I'm with you, I'd LOVE to see it. But you won't...because what you're asking for is to separate the code bases to make distinct games for the PC, the tablets and the Mac. A 12 person development staff that also acts as their own marketing, tech support, and distribution center cannot afford to do that. To make THAT large a change to the interface would require either alot more extraneous code on the PC Version, or it would require you to strip out a large chunk of the interface and re-write it.
MUCH more efficient for the developers to "mimic" a mouse on the iPad. You did want this game before 2014 right?
At it's heart this game is a 1996? game for the will always BE a 1996 game for the PC, even if you're playing it on a 2010 iPad. It'd be great to take the "mouse" out of the iPad interface, but the fact is, the game was never designed or built around a device without a mouse...and you can't really re-design it now.
On the touch interface issues, I think it would be possible to make some adjustments and introduce a more creative way to use touch without too many issues.
One thing in particular I think would be very useful would be to use swipe on the entire line of "dock icons" to reveal tooltips.
It's a simple gesture, and the tooltips would show exactly like they do on the PC, so it would be better in every way than the implemented solution.
Lots of people not scrutinizing this board closely still doesn't know how to access tooltips in the game, as they've neglected to explain the procedure properly. And the current way of getting access to tooltips is counter intuitive IMO.
While I love the game on my iPad, it's sometimes painfully obvious that the developers is newbies on the iOS platform...