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A few remarks about the in-game movies

1. I'm sure its been posted in the feature request/"bugs" section but can we please make the intro movie skip-able? Its not the worst thing ever...but when I need to play BGEE NOW I want to be able to do it NOW.

Maybe I have missed some hack to make it skip-able? Thanks :)

2. Please put the Nietzsche quote back in! Its PERFECT

3. What happened to the 'rest-in-inn' movie? breaks immersion to see a campfire when I'm inside of the warm friendly arm in =D


  • NukeninNukenin Member Posts: 327
    1. You can skip it by pressing the mouse button or what have you. I agree that the movies should support the "standard" ESC and/or spacebar to skip.

    2. You can put the Nietzche quote back in as a craft project. You only need a suitably colored marker. Maybe a piece of paper to put it on if you're concerned about the quote being permanent on your screen.

    3. Until one of the updates, they had no movies at all for resting other than outside; apparently the campfire movie was replicated for all resting movies, hopefully as a temporary measure.
  • bdeonovicbdeonovic Member Posts: 86
    Hahha, and here I was bashing ESC and space...and thinking it cannot be skipped. How stupid of me!
  • NukeninNukenin Member Posts: 327
    Also, check this early mini-mod that restores the classic movies to BG:EE, courtesy of Sam_. (Reading Player how-to: Getting mods to work on BGEE might be in order as well.)
  • SilverstarSilverstar Member Posts: 2,207
    I suspect the camp-fire movie is a temporary hotfix to a problem that arose in multi-player; apparently the game froze or crashed or something because it attempted to run a movie that did not exist (rest at inn).
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