Blackguard and disadvantages? *spoiler'ish*

I can't really see any of the disadvantages being disadvantag.
- must be eivl, but it's a matter of choise and only cost a few coins to compensate with donations.
- can't detect evi, what? I NEVER detected evil ..EVER!!!! ..they all dies just aswell.
- can't cast protection from evil, that silly spell that only last 3 rounds?
- can't cast lay on hands, it sucks anyways! He should be cutting things up in very fine pieces anyways, not trying to stich things together when a child m when a priest should do so instead! Besides he got that absorb health which slighty is the same.
- must be eivl, but it's a matter of choise and only cost a few coins to compensate with donations.
- can't detect evi, what? I NEVER detected evil ..EVER!!!! ..they all dies just aswell.
- can't cast protection from evil, that silly spell that only last 3 rounds?
- can't cast lay on hands, it sucks anyways! He should be cutting things up in very fine pieces anyways, not trying to stich things together when a child m when a priest should do so instead! Besides he got that absorb health which slighty is the same.
It works every time.
Blackguard is solid.
BTW protection from evil is tons of times per day per level, plus it's +2 versus everything as far as i know, at least in the old game. Aura is once per day, and immunities is something every paladin kit has.
Absorb health is not as reliable as LoH. It has a save or no effect.
And Inquisitor > Cavalier
Fiendish thingies = any demon i guess.
Or is it just 1 hour period? Doesn't matter I guess.
And like @Philhelm said, Protection from Evil is a helpfull spell too.
immunity 2 lvl drain isn't very helpfull in BG1.
The main disadvantage is that Blackguards can not Animate dead :-( They should probably in BG2:EE. The skill is on the list in the game. !!!MAJOR SPOILER!!! FTW :-)))
And he has no hit\damage bonuses...
He can not wear Carsomyr :-(((
In BG2 setting my favourite kit was Undead Hunter... But now, it will definetely be my BlackGuard, imported from BG:EE :-)
Also the BlackGuard kit should be placed to the Fighter class kits, not to the Paladins.
This Blackguard is a paladin.
Maybe this was just a mistake by the programmers and they forgot to delete this stuff before the release.
When I role played D&D, would the GM make it absolutely clear, that it was a difficult class to role play, and he would demand that player would follow the paladin ethos to the letter. It worked well, to go against some of the players power gamer tendencies.
Its Super Effective.
My old Cavalier would like to have a word with you about paladin spellcasting not being all that great. There are some good buff spells that can make a late game paladin even stronger. Draw Upon Holy Might, Death Ward and some other melee str buff, as well as negative plane protection and a lesser restoration when you come upon vampires.
Compare that to the Inquisitors Dispel Magic where even aiming slightly off can strip your party of many buffs they had just cast.
Still, Inquisitor's abilities themselves are more powerful per se, but even the all mighty antimage Inquisitor needs breach to be 100% effective, which he doesn't have. Dispel magic doesn't work against some protective spells, so either way if you won't have a mage with you, you'll need to cheat the AI to beat high level mages or liches. Inquisitor is called best against casters, but really he's just faster, he can't take them down by himself if they have access to certain protective spells.
Also, Inquisitor is not like a Paladin at all, no turn, no spells, no LoH, he's like a fighter with special abilities for dispelling.
I don't think anyone is more breakingly powerful than the other, although i do feel that Blackguard, if used correctly with his abilities, rebuke and proper spells, can be quite troublesome for any enemy, he's not a one trick pony.
An army to take you down - animate, rebuke - check.
Ways to cripple you or your damage - aura, doom, armor of faith - check.
Buff or protect or even heal himself - check.
Weapon against casters - poison weapon - check.
I like him because if you use his abilities together cleverly, he can be quite a powerhouse. Little things that add on top of each other.
Inquisitor can dispel quickly, illusions as well, but he still needs breach to be THE animage, just like everyone else.
The Cavalier has more abilities, and has his own merits, although i like that the Blackguard can use his undead army as well for numbers :]
Yeah i like the Blackguard, he doesn't have something that breaks the game by itself, but what he does is working combined very well, his abilities complement one another(plus, you get to press a lot of buttons
Not in the first BG ;-)
Mage encounters are a joke (I have finished again the game yesterday morning).