New Patch 1.0.2010 works for 3+ with some fixes/precautions :)

it works with 3+ players effectively just a few things i have tested with other people up until nashkell mines and ways around them for any wanting to do it:
1.When Transitioning allow one person to take control of all characters transition to wherever your going and hand back the ownership, this stops slow loading/ crashes completly.
2.When Trading Items just drop them on the floor for the next person to pick them up, this stops crashes from portraits (which only seem to happen with 4+ but just to be on the safe side.
3.Try not to look at anyones stats for the time being (up to 3 players is fine) but anymore than 3 it seems to crash sometimes NOT all the time.
4.Save/Quicksave every 5-10 minutes, we had a bug where a person crashed came back into the game and lost 560 xp, bringing him back a level, all you need to do is get everyone to leave close there games you do the same start up the game by yourself load and then allow other players to join.
and most importantly if something goes wrong whilst loading from one screen to another mainly caused by people logging of off the server during transitioning, DO NOT try to come back in, all players close there games down, apart from host as soon as this is done the game loads to the screen it was trying to and then people can rejoin.
will continue playing through the game noting and finding bugs and fixes
using all these fixes pretty much led to an easy run no crashes
if anyone is looking to join a multiplay let me know and we can sort something out.
let me know if you have any questions or bugs relating to 3+ and i will try and sort something out.
1.When Transitioning allow one person to take control of all characters transition to wherever your going and hand back the ownership, this stops slow loading/ crashes completly.
2.When Trading Items just drop them on the floor for the next person to pick them up, this stops crashes from portraits (which only seem to happen with 4+ but just to be on the safe side.
3.Try not to look at anyones stats for the time being (up to 3 players is fine) but anymore than 3 it seems to crash sometimes NOT all the time.
4.Save/Quicksave every 5-10 minutes, we had a bug where a person crashed came back into the game and lost 560 xp, bringing him back a level, all you need to do is get everyone to leave close there games you do the same start up the game by yourself load and then allow other players to join.
and most importantly if something goes wrong whilst loading from one screen to another mainly caused by people logging of off the server during transitioning, DO NOT try to come back in, all players close there games down, apart from host as soon as this is done the game loads to the screen it was trying to and then people can rejoin.
will continue playing through the game noting and finding bugs and fixes
using all these fixes pretty much led to an easy run no crashes
if anyone is looking to join a multiplay let me know and we can sort something out.
let me know if you have any questions or bugs relating to 3+ and i will try and sort something out.
@Elendar it might come accross that way but it really wasnt mate was really easy to get through took no time at all
We only encountered one or two random crashes. We also had no problem with just pausing the game and having the leader quicksave without everyone leaving / rejoining.
Other than that though, despite being a bit clunky, it was a blast.
Just got to remember those workarounds, specially the transitioning one (not just zone changing, every area which requires you to gather your party, ie. Friendly arm inn etc.) and constantly saving is always good