(Spoilers)The boss from the mines ran away and now i can't finish the quest..... :(

Hey ppl,
So on this run, I was fighting the Naskal mines boss and spooked him with my sorc to stop him from casting hold and other spells etc. I battled my way through the kobolds and skellies and he wasn't there. Annoyingly i managed to save, i've looked around the area outside but nothing. Is my game bugged? or has he done a runner out of the mines or back into them?
I wouldn't mind so much, but this is a story quest and so I can't progress...
So on this run, I was fighting the Naskal mines boss and spooked him with my sorc to stop him from casting hold and other spells etc. I battled my way through the kobolds and skellies and he wasn't there. Annoyingly i managed to save, i've looked around the area outside but nothing. Is my game bugged? or has he done a runner out of the mines or back into them?
I wouldn't mind so much, but this is a story quest and so I can't progress...

Post edited by Cuv on
He should be just outside the cave if he runs outside though, since moral failiure wears off after leaving the area. If he is not then he is hopefully somewhere inside still. Check everywhere.