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(Spoilers)The boss from the mines ran away and now i can't finish the quest..... :(

RagingOrcRagingOrc Member Posts: 63
Hey ppl,

So on this run, I was fighting the Naskal mines boss and spooked him with my sorc to stop him from casting hold and other spells etc. I battled my way through the kobolds and skellies and he wasn't there. Annoyingly i managed to save, i've looked around the area outside but nothing. Is my game bugged? or has he done a runner out of the mines or back into them?

I wouldn't mind so much, but this is a story quest and so I can't progress... :(

Post edited by Cuv on


  • LadyEibhilinRhettLadyEibhilinRhett Member Posts: 1,078
    psst--you don't have to kill him. Just loot the chest in his room for the letters and that'll start the next chapter. Sucks though, because you do need his holy symbol to collect the reward for that quest :(
  • ElendarElendar Member Posts: 831
    The letters are on his corpse, actually...... You should be able to CLUAConsole him in to fix it... have to find his code though
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122

    psst--you don't have to kill him. Just loot the chest in his room for the letters and that'll start the next chapter. Sucks though, because you do need his holy symbol to collect the reward for that quest :(

    Actually, in bgee unfortunately you do have to kill him

    He should be just outside the cave if he runs outside though, since moral failiure wears off after leaving the area. If he is not then he is hopefully somewhere inside still. Check everywhere.

  • LadyEibhilinRhettLadyEibhilinRhett Member Posts: 1,078
    ajwz said:

    Actually, in bgee unfortunately you do have to kill him

    He should be just outside the cave if he runs outside though, since moral failiure wears off after leaving the area. If he is not then he is hopefully somewhere inside still. Check everywhere.

    Aw shit, srsly? That sucks.
  • CuvCuv Member, Developer Posts: 2,535
    Added a Spoiler tag. Carry on:)
  • RagingOrcRagingOrc Member Posts: 63
    Indeed sucks. ahh well, best start the hunt. Glad i'm playing an evil set up, once i find him ^_^ Sorry for the non spoiler tag :P
  • RagingOrcRagingOrc Member Posts: 63
    The hunt is over... Found him shoved in a corner. Dorn butchered him... That said, i don't think he liked being commanded, being shot at and having 3 magic missles blasted at his throat plus a cleric mace in the face to finish him off aswell. Thanks for all the help ppl, indeed it was not a bug...
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