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Randomised enemy spellcaster spellbooks

carugacaruga Member Posts: 375
I think it would be interesting to have the option for (determined at character creation, in similer vein to randomised treasure tables) slightly varying spellbooks for wizards. Along with this, a spell (perhaps priest only... or not) for being able to divine the contents of an enemy wizard's mind (or is there already something like this? I don't recall it). Would be very interesting for a no-reload or restricted save playthrough. Perhaps allow one to scry out an enemy wizard and divine his mind before fighting him (though this also makes the wizard aware of you and perhaps move to seek you out). Certain boss wizards can be flagged immune to it.
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  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    edited June 2012
    I'm totally for randomized spell books, it would add some variety to encounters with enemy spellcaster. However, I'm afraid this would require a (much-needed) AI overhaul, something along the lines of what SCS does... My dream is P&P spells, improved AI that takes full advantage of them plus other SCS-like tweaks, and varying spell books. But I know I'm just putting ranks in my delusional skill.
  • AliteriAliteri Member Posts: 308
    Wouldn't it be best if the randomization was taken from a pool of spellbooks with pre-defined strategies? I sure would laugh at the guy who came at me with 3 infravisions memorized.

    Or is that so obvious (and perhaps already done in a AI overhaul mod) that it didn't even beg mentioning?

    @AndreaColombo best way to gain ranks in delusion is to treat wisdom as a dump stat, aka being a gamer.
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