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Anybody else do this?

The_ZealotThe_Zealot Member Posts: 43
I think at the moment I have a Ranger, Fighter, Cleric, and a Mage created with intent to play all of them.

I get these grandiose ideas in my head and I want to play a certain character.... for example I want to play my mage..... its not a bad thing but it certainly makes progress hard. (especially since I work 40 hours at my job and run a youth ministry in my off time)


  • DrugarDrugar Member Posts: 1,566
    I've been working on my Inquisitor game for a year now. Between work, Warhammer, D&D, Black Crusade roleplaying, Star Wars D&D, Vampire: The Masquerade and my girlfriend, not to mention other computer's not progressing very quickly.
  • WinthalWinthal Member Posts: 366
    I tend to start a character, play a decent amount of hours, then quit and make a new one until I find a character that really clicks with me.. tedious, but I always want that special character that I'll always remember and associate my game memories with
  • ElysElys Member Posts: 100
    I don't like to play many characters at once. I prefer to play one after the other. Multiplayer games are an exception to this because I end up playing many characters of various levels to match the different character levels of friends.

    It's same for games, I don't like to keep switching between different games. I prefer to focus on one game entirely and then switch to another. I still may come back playing a previous game later but always after I'm done with the current one. Once more it's different for multiplayer session, since I just load what game I need to play with friends.

  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    @Winthal, i do that so often, i have like 3 games going on right now in bg 1 and 1 in bg 2, and i see what you mean @The_Zealot i work 60-90 hours a week and its hard squeezing in time to play, i would say, start with one, and dedicate 2 hours a day to that save file, beat the game with that character, and go to the next one, you need to make a routine out of it, and force yourself ( almost make it seem like a job, where you HAVE to finish one character before you go to the next) that makes it so you get through them all
  • Son_of_ImoenSon_of_Imoen Member Posts: 1,806
    edited July 2012
    Me, I'm a chronic parallel-gamer. Yesterday I told a friend of mine 'I'm about to finish Shadows of Amn for the first time'. He says 'what, you've played that game for years now'. But all the time playing Tutu, I often had 5 characters in parallel playthroughs. By the time I got tired of Tutu, I had 5 characters in parallel in Shadows of Amn. I treat it like a tapas ditch, just like the books I read (often about 8 in parallel), a little bit of this, a little bit of that, just like I fancy. But I only work 7 hour-weeks. Have to squeeze gaming time into my mood disorder though, often feel too tired or depressed.
  • JairyannaJairyanna Member Posts: 209
    I make files for at least 4 classes: Paladin, Cleric, Mage (Good), Mage (Evil). I tend to run them simultaneously, and it takes me ages to complete the game :P
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