Anybody else do this?

I think at the moment I have a Ranger, Fighter, Cleric, and a Mage created with intent to play all of them.
I get these grandiose ideas in my head and I want to play a certain character.... for example I want to play my mage..... its not a bad thing but it certainly makes progress hard. (especially since I work 40 hours at my job and run a youth ministry in my off time)
I get these grandiose ideas in my head and I want to play a certain character.... for example I want to play my mage..... its not a bad thing but it certainly makes progress hard. (especially since I work 40 hours at my job and run a youth ministry in my off time)
It's same for games, I don't like to keep switching between different games. I prefer to focus on one game entirely and then switch to another. I still may come back playing a previous game later but always after I'm done with the current one. Once more it's different for multiplayer session, since I just load what game I need to play with friends.