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Voices in my head

I loved this game back in the day but I find I no longer have the patience to babysit multiple party members, equip them all with gear, heal them, control them, etc. Yet I miss the company of other party members when I try to play as a solo character. I request that I be allowed to 'add' characters to the party without their avatars. I just want to hear them speak and banter as I encounter new situations. In fact, I'd like the ability to add ALL NPC's at the SAME TIME so that I can hear them interact with each other and respond to situations.

Call the disembodied voices "spirits" or "memories" or friends that have shrunk down to pixie size and now sit on my shoulders and sleep in my pockets. I want them around, but I don't want to deal with controlling them. This is a strange request, I know. Gimme! :)
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