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BP Series Party AI Scripts for BG:EE (non-weidu) Available!



  • IsayaIsaya Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 752
    @Alonso The WeiDU version is displayed as the first message in the DOS window that opens when you double-click on setup-bpseries.exe. It should read as I mentionned in my previous post.

    You understood right. I can't confirm it will install. I didn't try with 2.x version. However the warning shall disappear if you use a stable version of WeiDU.
  • AlonsoAlonso Member Posts: 806
    @Isaya: My version of WeiDU is 23901, which is not lower than 239. What would you suggest I do?
  • IsayaIsaya Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 752
    @Alonso The warning should not prevent installation of the mod. After all, if setup-bpseries.exe was updated to version 23901, it's because you installed another mod that is using this beta version. Did you try to proceed as usual?
  • GrimLefourbeGrimLefourbe Member Posts: 637
    Isn't weidu 23901 broken or something? Latest beta is 23903 I believe.
  • AlonsoAlonso Member Posts: 806
    I did now. It fails. It requests that I post the debug file in the SHS forum, but for whatever reason my registration there didn't work, so I'm posting it here (zipped) and hoping that someone helps.
  • IsayaIsaya Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 752
    I tested the same version on a bare BG2EE version 2.3, with WeiDU 23901, and it installed without error.
    The debug file mentions a file called ag#dsalt.2da that it cannot find. I have no idea why it doesn't find it on your installation. BG2 Tweaks don't include that file and does not refer to it either. I don't know the other mod you have.
  • AlonsoAlonso Member Posts: 806
    Hi, my computer is going nuts, so I haven't managed to check this for a while. I tried installing in a vanilla installation and it does work for me as well, so it looks like the problem is a conflict with my other mods. IIRC, I have four of them installed: Any ideas about how to make these work with BP Series? (Maybe just a pointer to a thread that explains how to do it).
  • AlonsoAlonso Member Posts: 806
    Nobody? :/
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