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Stay Max Zoom In

Does anyone know of a mod/ could quickly make one to stay zoom in all the way? I know the game looks much sharper zoomed out, but I much prefer having my sprites be larger even if they are more pixelated. It's just annoying zooming in every time you enter a new location.


  • MurrayConfederacyMurrayConfederacy Member Posts: 188
    I believe this will be fixed in a future update so it may not be necessary to make a mod that does this.
  • thedemoninsidethedemoninside Member Posts: 188
    First person I've heard wanting max zoom in locked lol. I don't even consider it playable. Aren't you losing a ton of your map? How do you plan encounters...positioning...etc.?

    I guess if your eyes are bad or something, well that would be unfortunate but understandable.
  • HatachiHatachi Member Posts: 3
    It's not that, I just don't like how small my character look. Also, it makes it feel more like I'm playing it back in the day. I still play planescape torment at 640x480 just because I think it looks more like the original intention. Yeah Baldur's Gate 2 runs at a higher resolution, but the sprites and and environments are scaled up to not look so small at that size.
  • ArchaicArchaic Member Posts: 924
  • XzarXzar Member Posts: 215

    First person I've heard wanting max zoom in locked lol. I don't even consider it playable. Aren't you losing a ton of your map? How do you plan encounters...positioning...etc.?

    I guess if your eyes are bad or something, well that would be unfortunate but understandable.

    More like your sense of tact is bad or something. I'm your second person who wants max zoom in, nice to meet you.

  • thedemoninsidethedemoninside Member Posts: 188
    Xzar said:

    First person I've heard wanting max zoom in locked lol. I don't even consider it playable. Aren't you losing a ton of your map? How do you plan encounters...positioning...etc.?

    I guess if your eyes are bad or something, well that would be unfortunate but understandable.

    More like your sense of tact is bad or something. I'm your second person who wants max zoom in, nice to meet you.

    Sense of tact? Nice to meet you as well.

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