New Swashbuckler Dueling to Cleric

Hello everyone!
I'm fairly new to the forums, but I have been a lurker for a while.
I recently started a human swashbucker and plan to duel to a cleric sometime in the future.
I don't care for stealth as I don't backstab. What thief skills should I focus on? Also, for giggles, I am using clubs. I have played through a few times, and it is one weapon I haven't ever considered using for any class.
Any advice would be great!
I'm fairly new to the forums, but I have been a lurker for a while.
I recently started a human swashbucker and plan to duel to a cleric sometime in the future.
I don't care for stealth as I don't backstab. What thief skills should I focus on? Also, for giggles, I am using clubs. I have played through a few times, and it is one weapon I haven't ever considered using for any class.
Any advice would be great!
I read a book by Mark Helprin called 'A Soldier of the Great War'. Ever since then I've been a morning star man myself.
I just had a very fun fighter / cleric build focusing on dual wepons w/ hammers and morning stars.
For weapons, you might as well take advantage of the Dual Wielding thing and put points into it. Warhammers are a good choice for Clerics so you could put a ouple points there. Then you can use the Crom Faeyr to smack guys around in BG2. Can Clerics use flails? If so then Flails gets you the Flail of the Ages in BG2 as well.
If you want to dual wield later, you might be happiest working towards ** in Dual Wielding and ** in clubs. Thieves don't gain weapon proficiencies very quickly. I don't think Clerics can even get to Specialized in a weapon skill or style, so if you don't get two dots in Dual Wielding as a swashbuckler you're going to be penalized in your main hand attacks.