How does the game look on iPad?

I'm about to buy an iPad and am interested in knowing if the game looks good on it?
I just checked out the BGEE entry in the app store and the photos look really blury / grainy. Is it just bad photos or an accurate representation? Currently have it on my PC and it looks a lot nicer so wondering if iPad is on par?
Side note, anyone having issues with it on the latest iPad? I see there's some problems with the 2nd and 3rd gen ones. Thanks guys.
I just checked out the BGEE entry in the app store and the photos look really blury / grainy. Is it just bad photos or an accurate representation? Currently have it on my PC and it looks a lot nicer so wondering if iPad is on par?
Side note, anyone having issues with it on the latest iPad? I see there's some problems with the 2nd and 3rd gen ones. Thanks guys.
I would recommend reading some of the comments in the iPad theme for specific details.
The rest of the UI is sharp. There are some touch playability issues, and a specific problem with the Entangle spell.
I'm guessing a patch or two will fix some of the big issues.
Hmm.. Might have to invest in purchasing a copy.