Baldurs Gate Quote Game

Okie dokie, so the goal of the game is to name the character that said the quote of the previous poster and then input a quote that starts with first letter of that characters name. For example if the person above me said "Hey ya, its me... Imoen" I would say Imoen and my quote would be "It may be a touch unlady like, but Im going to slit your throat, I am!"
Quotes can be from any bg1 or 2 character, but not charname. Try to stick to ones said out loud so they don't get too difficult. If something is said by generic characters for instance "I wish I had my old tobbacco pipe" is said by Perdue and Halfling Males in Gullykin, both Perdu and Halfling would be acceptbale answers. If you dont know the answer, dont post, wait until there is one you can answer.
So anyways, my quote is "It may be a touch unlady like, but Im going to slit your throat, I am!"
Quotes can be from any bg1 or 2 character, but not charname. Try to stick to ones said out loud so they don't get too difficult. If something is said by generic characters for instance "I wish I had my old tobbacco pipe" is said by Perdue and Halfling Males in Gullykin, both Perdu and Halfling would be acceptbale answers. If you dont know the answer, dont post, wait until there is one you can answer.
So anyways, my quote is "It may be a touch unlady like, but Im going to slit your throat, I am!"
"Silence, dog. You have no purpose but to die by my hand."
"I'm the best at what I do, and what I do ain't pretty!"
"Luck be a lady"
Was gonna say "Life is so hollow" but I doubt any quotes start with x...
"Click on someone your own size!"
"Killing is our father’s work embrace it as I have!"
"Hahaha Smart guy dies!, but ***** goes on to Rule!
"Tell us a story Monty, something 'bout Bears and Gold!"
"Ooo! Shiny ones!"
Camaraderie, adventure, and steel on steel. The stuff of legend! Right Boo?
"Those the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad!"
"Checkmate! The witch is dead!"
"I've been there. It was nothing special."
"Whoa! This place looks just like... it reminds me of.. this is just like that time I... hm. I don't think anything like this has ever happened to me before..."
"Yes, yes. yes. Truth be known I'm not listening to you."
"Jump on my sword while you can evil, I wont be as gentle"
Edit: you were right, it was Mae'Var
@ Xiviriel - Minsc
"My job? Taking care of crazies like you. Making sure you don't go and hurt yourselves with your deviant powers. And cookies, I make cookies"
Let's hurry child! The night can only get worse so we must find shelter soon.
"I am become death, destroyer of worlds!"
"Excuse... the mighty ****... while he catches his... his breath... He will rule... later."
That's the closest I can come to one that starts with X.
'Twill be the darkest the day ye never seen before I don't have what you need!"
"Boo says "what"?"
"my hands, my skin, it's real again!"
"Return whence thou came, this is not your place!"
Dammit, I'd just done the thing based on the last quote and you go and change it right as I post
why would you change it to a completely different quote
oh well at least it's easy.
"And the rivers run red!"
Seriously though, now which one is the one that we use to move on to the next?
"Some times, the flute turns me into a hamster"
"The Lord of Murder shall perish. But in his death he shall spawn a score of mortal progeny. Chaos will be sown from their passing."