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Script: auto turn on detect trap/ bard song back after fight ?

There are ai scripts to turn fighting behaviour on.
Is there a way to turn abilities on after a fight (e.g. bard song, detect trap) ?


  • LaflammeLaflamme Member Posts: 54
    edited December 2012
    That would be useful! It could really be only one "Support" script, that automatically turns on bard song, detect trap or turn undeads. Also, thiefs with this script could be made to automatically disarm the nearest trap.
  • DalrykDalryk Member Posts: 35
    Putting on the "thief passive" script will cause the character to auto detect traps. Dunno why, but it does.
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    Dalryk said:

    Putting on the "thief passive" script will cause the character to auto detect traps. Dunno why, but it does.

    But it's not a completely passive script, in that your Character *will* fight under some circumstances, which is no good if you want to stay invisible etc.
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    beo01 said:

    There are ai scripts to turn fighting behaviour on.
    Is there a way to turn abilities on after a fight (e.g. bard song, detect trap) ?

    It's a real shame too that there is no proper default Bard script shipped with the game
  • jethrojethro Member Posts: 81
  • KirkorKirkor Member Posts: 700
    @Oxford_Guy is right. There are scripts, but they suck. They only interrupt you...
    The best script would be something like:
    Detect traps if not in combat AND not hiding in shadows. But I'm no modder and I don't know if it possible to do such thing.
  • sersafirsersafir Member Posts: 126

    I requested here general improvements to the script. I was crushed with a lack of interest.
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    sersafir said:

    I requested here general improvements to the script. I was crushed with a lack of interest.

    I've just posted a request for a decent bard script there...
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