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Synchronizing Between Windows PC and Android Tablet

Maybe this has already been asked:

Will we be able to synchronize/move game saves "back and forth" between a Windows PC and Android Tablet?


  • Allen63Allen63 Member Posts: 53
    edited December 2012
    I see in the FAQ that the answer is supposed to be roughly YES -- save games are supposed to be compatible. However, details regarding ease of transfer are limited.

    For example, is "synchronize" a BGEE provided function? Or is it "copy and paste" by hand?
  • AristilliusAristillius Member Posts: 873
    For the time being I think you have to do it manually. Actually, I am pretty sure I read that it is so in a tweet.
  • cmk24cmk24 Member Posts: 605
    @Aristillius is right, we will have to do it manually for now, but I remember seeing a tweet saying the team is working a cloud storage system for save games that will auto-sync between devices.
  • jookjook Member Posts: 1
    Cloud saves would be so amazing, I'm really looking forward to that.
  • Out2lunchOut2lunch Member Posts: 57
    I currently use Google drive to sync my saves for both desktop and laptop using virtual paths as per a forum post on these boards which works very well. Just have to work out how to make syn links on droid and away we go.
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