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Platform dependence and Steam

I have a few questions regarding the Baldur's Gate release for the separate platforms. The game is to be released for Windows, Mac OS and iOS. Do I understand correctly that this means that if I have a PC, Mac and iPad and want to play it on all of them, I will have to buy the game 3 times? In the AppStore, iTunes and BeamDog. Provided there are DLC purchases, this will cost me more than the original game in 1998, that I still have. Did you consider releasing the game on Steam? That will allow you to deploy Mac and Windows version simultaneously. I am even afraid to ask about the compatibility of save games. I assume playing on the iPad, I will not be able to resume the game on the PC/Mac?


  • SilverstarSilverstar Member Posts: 2,207
    Inter-platform save game compatibility is not an issue... or not supposed to be at least. As for the current DLC, it's part of the price (meaning "free") for PC and the costs for it for the other releases puts it at the same price if you bother getting it all... my personal opinion is you can skip the pictures and thus save yourself a few dollars, but that is of course, my opinion.

    Seeing as a new release of most games these days cost around €50 or $65 and buying BG:EE three times would cost you $60 if you were to get all the DLC, you're not exactly being ripped off, and nor do you have to suffer the DRM you seem to want.
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