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Best class for a half-orc player?

Hey ppl,

Gonna start a new run and want to play a half orc. It's a bit strange how half orcs are so limited in choice but I guess that's the 2nd Edition D&D ruleset.

Anyway in your opinion. What class do you suggest for a half orc player?

I was looking at the Berserker, Swashbuckler and quite fancied a ranger/cleric but alas, i cant be one. So would have to be fighter/cleric... However these were only brief thoughts

I'm open to all suggestions :)



  • CorvinoCorvino Member Posts: 2,269
    You could roleplay it and go Half-Orc Barbarian. They're similar to Berserkers but less overpowered. They've lots of nifty perks like massive HP, increased movement speed, barbarian rage (not quite as good as berserker rage) and they get damage resistance at BG2 levels to offset their armour limitations. It's possible to get 80% damage resistance for fairly extended periods at TOB levels using the innate damage resist, a specific flail and the Hardiness High-Level Ability.

    Fighter/Cleric is a solid choice. They get very good and have few drawbacks. The only problem with Half-Orc fighter/clerics is that you could be a Dwarf fighter/cleric with all those shiny save bonuses. Even so, fighter/clerics get great self-buffs and can become melee monsters in addition to healing and group buffing.
  • KankKank Member Posts: 38
    I love my Half-Orc Fighter/Cleric. He's a total beast. Very good/fun choice.

    I'd also say a Half-Orc thief would be A LOT of fun. Backstabs with 20 str (After tome) would wreck things. If you want to be more straight forward go Swashy.. Assassin or Swash would be fun choices.
  • The_New_RomanceThe_New_Romance Member Posts: 839
    Half-Orc Cleric (without the fighter part) might also be worth a try. If you pump up STR and CON, they are still very capabe in melee, as STR 19 gives +3 to hit and I don't know how many extra damage. They level faster than multiclasses, so they can be your main (and most likely only) cleric.
  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    edited December 2012
    Half-orcs excell at any class they have available, being able to get a natural 19 str/con at creation is HUGE. And with no real penalty for it (they lack racial thief skills, but they aren't a huge difference in the long run since you'll eventually max everything anyway. They're also pretty easy to roll stats for if you're not part cleric since it's usually pretty easy to max 3 stats, but 4 is difficult unless very lucky or you don't mind dumping int/charisma to minimum levels. 19 is +3 hit, +7 damage, 500 weight.
  • WanderonWanderon Member Posts: 1,418
    Half-orc makes an outstanding Cleric/thief For one thing 19 str + sanctuary= chunkified backstabs...
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    Wanderon said:

    Half-orc makes an outstanding Cleric/thief For one thing 19 str + sanctuary= chunkified backstabs...

    Unless you are also under hide in shadows then you don't get a backstab or stealth (attack roll) bonus from sanctuary.
  • RagingOrcRagingOrc Member Posts: 63
    I'm gonna rip your scrawny lil throat out Nukenin. You have ruined my chance to try and integrate with this weak race who's one redeeming quality is their large wealth of knowledge... Meet me outside Feldepost's Inn where I will make a spectacle of tearing your limbs from your torso. RAGING ORC SMASH!!!
  • RagingOrcRagingOrc Member Posts: 63
    'Ahem' thanks for the tips ppl :)
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    I like Cleric/thief. you can't backstab from sanctuary, but can find/disable traps and open locks, and a half-orc buffed with Draw Upon Holy might does awesome backstabs (assuming you've either put points into hide shadows/move silently, or you mage has cast Invisibility on you (or you've used a potion).
  • NukeninNukenin Member Posts: 327
    RagingOrc said:


    Is your other half ogre?

    *drinks a potion of small stature and dives into a nearby mouse hole*
  • sandmanCCLsandmanCCL Member Posts: 1,389
    Wanderon said:

    Half-orc makes an outstanding Cleric/thief For one thing 19 str + sanctuary= chunkified backstabs...

    BG:EE runs in the BG2 engine, meaning strength bonuses to damage are not factored into backstabs.

    Half-orcs should theoretically utilize fighter or barbarian because only warrior classes gain benefits for having beyond 16 constitution.

    Personally I can't think of a situation outside of the first few levels in which a Half-Orc is better than a dwarf.
  • RagingOrcRagingOrc Member Posts: 63
    Sadly no.

    That quote was gained from two half orges who used to live on a bridge near a large stronghold to the south. They stated that their father used it often and he was a very intimidating fellow. Sadly all they did was shout 'Time for some carnage' and try to punch people... I fear he was greatly dissapointed.....
  • RagingOrcRagingOrc Member Posts: 63
    Thanks Sandman, I agree Half Orc's are probably not as hardy as the dwarf with regards to the shorty bonuses etc. I just prefer them as they look pretty badass...
  • RedGuardRedGuard Member Posts: 672

    Half-Orc Cleric (without the fighter part) might also be worth a try. If you pump up STR and CON, they are still very capabe in melee, as STR 19 gives +3 to hit and I don't know how many extra damage. They level faster than multiclasses, so they can be your main (and most likely only) cleric.

    I'm playing a half-orc Priest of Helm. He handles pretty well in melee and has some nifty spells.
  • cbarchukcbarchuk Member Posts: 322
    Half-Orc fighter/thief all the way.
  • NukeninNukenin Member Posts: 327

    Personally I can't think of a situation outside of the first few levels in which a Half-Orc is better than a dwarf.

    Well, half-orc males can get all mushy-mushy with the drow cleric in the second installment (suitably bug-fixed, natch). Dwarven protagonists are (officially) denied this forbidden love.

    At least the new NPCs are desperate enough to make with a dwarf, though a couple of them still lift the tail first, as it were. Picky picky!
  • bbearbbear Member Posts: 1,180
    I really like the half-orc barbarian. It rolls 1d12 per level, on top of the 19 con bonus is massive amount of hp. In addition, it gains temporary immunities from barbarian rage, physical resistance (cap at 20%), immunity to backstab and faster movement.

    Unless you play solo, thief should go to other races. Cleric/thief is viable, but the interface for that kinda sucks (disarm trap at special abilities in f12).
  • Olano_VonDorthOlano_VonDorth Member Posts: 3
    I have been having fun as a half-orc cleric/fighter. A lot of choices in battle beyond just click, while being able to tank even without shield. Flails OP.

    At the end of the day, its about team comp though. If you don't grab interesting characters for your party you'll be sad. :(
  • MadhaxMadhax Member Posts: 1,416
    Screw the oppressive 2nd ed. class restrictions! Shadowkeep yourself a half-orc Cleric/Ranger or whatnot. Cleric/Rangers are awesome!
  • GoodSteveGoodSteve Member Posts: 607
    I'd say the most powerful single class to take with the Half-Orc race is Fighter with the Berserker Kit. You'll eventually get grandmastery, can use all the best armor, will have outsatnding hit points and you will crush dragons with your pinky finger while berserking.

    If you want to multi-class I think that the Fighter/Cleric combo is really good for a Half-Orc and in the long run quite possibly their best class option.
  • AkerhonAkerhon Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 614
    Berserker or Barbarian.
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