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Fix Alt+Tab, ALT+F4, other Windows commands

I can't believe this isn't the #1 issue at least for PC users. There is no way to minimize this game or get the window to lose focus. You can't Alt+Tab, you can't Windows+D, you can't even kill it with Alt+F4. There is no support for the standard Windows commands. I blame this whole cross-platform BS, but please for the love of the PC fix Alt+Tab! I don't want to have to play the game in a damn window.


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  • cryptomancercryptomancer Member Posts: 22
    Alt+Tab works for you when the game is running in full screen? As in, the window actually minimizes and switches focus? For me Alt+Tab works in the sense that I get the taskbar, but it doesn't lose focus and I can't get any other window on that monitor to gain focus. Windows on my other monitor work fine.
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  • TJ_HookerTJ_Hooker Member Posts: 2,438
    I get mixed results. While I'm able to minimize just fine using alt+tab, ctrl+esc, windows key, going back to the game can be a problem. If I spend more than a few minutes with the game minimized, it will often become unresponsive, so when I click on it in the taskbar to maximize it, nothing happens, and often I'll have to resort to the Task Manager to end the program.
  • cryptomancercryptomancer Member Posts: 22
    Interesting, so no one else has the problem that the game will not minimize when running in full screen?
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  • cryptomancercryptomancer Member Posts: 22
    Ok, I found a solution that works for me, sort of. Set the game to windowed mode and then edit baldur.ini and set window X and Y positions to 0 then set window W and H to your desktop resolution and you basically get a fullscreen window. The only problem this poses is that scrolling using the mouse causes issues because there's an area about one pixel wide that is recognized as the edge of the window without being registered as the taskbar (bottom) or your second monitor (side, if you have two monitors).

    So if anyone else has this problem, here's a solution of sorts.
  • cryptomancercryptomancer Member Posts: 22
    Easier solution proposed by cmk24. Alt+Enter to go into windowed mode, then Alt+Tab.
  • TJ_HookerTJ_Hooker Member Posts: 2,438
    edited December 2012

    Easier solution proposed by cmk24. Alt+Enter to go into windowed mode, then Alt+Tab.

    Works like a charm.
  • keltarkingkeltarking Member Posts: 53
    I can't alt-F4, but I don't have any trouble alt-tabbing.
  • DarkcloudDarkcloud Member Posts: 302
    edited February 2013
    you can also use this for borderless fullscreen:
    It works great with BG:EE

    EDIT: just go to the youtube page, the link is there, the person who postet the video is the author and doesn't seem to have a proper page.
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