Multiplayer Cheat Commands to be remove
I've been playing with random people from the Baldur's Gate. I really would like to limit what type of commands, or players can use in games. I've had games where someone would heal my health without casting spells, creating items, that type of thing. Is there any way to prevent this from happening? I don't want to join a random game when Beam Dog's multiplayer feature starts kicking in, only to have the experience ruined by cheats.
Besides lots of people create custom parties in multiplayer to play single player. They should not be limited in the use of the console either.
I never did take multiplayer in this game very seriously. Its more of a gimmick to enjoy an evening playing with a friend or relative. Certainly nothing to take all.
Maybe there could be a box the host could check that either allows cheats or bans them? I know such a feature already exists in several other games I've played online.
The multiplayer feature for BG are in the stone ages, sure one "can" play multiplayer, but it really lacks basic features.
But then again, the grey zone areas, how does one go about tomes? Are we all allowed to play so many multiplayer games and each time get a tome, ending up with 25 in all stats? ..or just the tomes that one can find in 1 playthrough? ..I surely vote for the latter!