Wands should display charges while in your inventory.
Currently if you have a wand in your inventory, to know the number of charges, you need to put it in a quickslot, then exit your inventory and look at how many charges there are in your quickbar at the bottom of the screen. If would make a lot of sense to simply display the number of charges whlie in inventory as well (aka display it every time, except when the wand is not identified).
I think it should also display when your right-click to get the info/description.
The difficult part comes in keeping it from being confused with stacked items. My personal inclination is to put the charges in the top-right (rather than bottom-right) corner of the .bam. Or possibly the very center; but then it starts to obscure the item itself...
I do like the idea of giving the charge amount. This is probably UI limitation.
Maybe you could add the charge amount to the item description? That may be easier to do. I also would like to see this for other types of items that have charges.
Description (r-click) and part of the Tooltip (Tab) were what I think might be easiest to do.
And a merry christmas to you!