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Lock camera on selected NPC

Idea is simple:
Add a button, where you can toggle this option on/off.
It would lock and center camera on selected NPC. Something similar you can get by holding, for example "1". But holding the button is not smooth (camera is shaky).


  • ARKdeEREHARKdeEREH Member Posts: 531
    Double click the NPC's picture and the screen should center on them.
  • PeteAtomsPeteAtoms Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 140
    I think this is a good idea. I wouldn't say it is very high on my wish list though.
    ARKdeEREH said:

    Double click the NPC's picture and the screen should center on them.

    He said that in OP (okay, he said 'holding 1,' but same diff) :p
  • KirkorKirkor Member Posts: 700
    ARKdeEREH said:

    Double click the NPC's picture and the screen should center on them.

    But camera is just centered, but not locked on character. So if character is moving, the camera doesn't follow him...
  • brripbrrip Member Posts: 1
    Yeah this would be pretty high up on my list for making the game more playable.
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