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[BUG] ipad corrupted save games and many crashes

curicuri Member Posts: 20
edited December 2012 in Not An Issue
Summary: you can hit save and it says it worked but actually didn't save your game. scary bug!

Current behavior (sorry this is pretty complicated and i'm not sure exactly what the problem is):

so i shot drizzt for like 30min, looted him, saved in 2 slots. then next time i go to reload i notice the save slots are glitched (solid color picture, not a proper in game screenshot like normal). when i try to load them it puts me to my save before fighting him.

during the fight with drizzt i saved half a dozen times. i would walk back away from him to get out of combat, quick save, and continue shooting him. it kept saying "save succesful" but was, i believe, making glitched saved the whole time. it would be much better if it crashed than made corrupted saves.

i believe i have a clue as to why the saves were corrupted. while shooting him i got the glitch where the game sound starts sounding messed up/wrong/glitchy. whenever i got that in the past it either crashed soon after or crashed the next time i tried to save.

this time it was letting me save after that glitch but then it turned out the saves were corrupted. i believe basically nothing counted after the game glitched and that's why i ended up back at the last save before the glitch.

in this case i believe the sound glitch started after the ipad went to sleep (while i was shooting drizzt, lol, if you don't enter commands long enough it sleeps) and i had to wake it up from sleep. however after some further sleep/wake the sound was actually back to normal but the saves still dod not work.

Also, FYI, the game crashes quite a lot when on ipad but it's almost always when either you die on the main character and try to reload or maybe just any time you try to load. i've crashed it around 75 times in the last 2.5 days. i also have had several crashes while changing zones (i kinda stress tested this by abusing door changes to kill firebead. i think i got 2 crashes when going up/down stairs on him and one when entering a door elsewhere)

Expected behavior: do not make corrupted save game files and print out save successful. it's actually better to crash than do that. saying the game is saved when it's not is really really bad, much worse than crashes, no offense intended. but that's why i'm taking the time to post a bug report, cuz it's a really nasty one.
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