I haven't touched Black Pits and I doubt I ever will because as I understand it, there's no story, no role-playing options, etc. I'd strongly prefer that any future adventures be added in as sidequests to the main campaign.
Black Pits is the most disappointing part of BG:EE IMHO. Of course, to each his or her own.
I haven't touched Black Pits and I doubt I ever will because as I understand it, there's no story, no role-playing options, etc. I'd strongly prefer that any future adventures be added in as sidequests to the main campaign.
Black Pits is the most disappointing part of BG:EE IMHO. Of course, to each his or her own.
It will be cool if they will make a stand alone campaign that the only area you can play in is Baldur's Gate. Like an urban adventure.
I haven't touched Black Pits and I doubt I ever will because as I understand it, there's no story, no role-playing options, etc. I'd strongly prefer that any future adventures be added in as sidequests to the main campaign.
Black Pits is the most disappointing part of BG:EE IMHO. Of course, to each his or her own.
Yeah, as @agris said you can't really comment on it as you haven't even attempted to play it. That's like someone saying that the main campaign is the most disappointing part of BG:EE w/out trying it out... if you haven't tried then you really don't know.
I haven't tried it out yet either as I've been exclusively playing around with the main campaign so far (and I wasn't really ever too excited about the Black Pits based on the description given by the team), but I'm certainly not in a position to call it "the most disappointing part of BG:EE" or anything to that effect since I haven't tried it and so wouldn't know. It just seems sort of pointless to go out of your way to give your opinion about something when you have no clue what you're talking about. Leave it to those with firsthand information (those that have actually tried it out and developed an opinion of their own) to comment on such things.
It boggles my mind when I hear people talking about how what they really want is more content within the BG1 campaign. I'm EXCITED about standalone adventures. I think the best part of The Black Pits is that it says, "Hey, this isn't Baldur's Gate!" It leaves me hopeful that modders will take the engine and run with it, and we could end up seeing entire new games, instead of tacking on extra content that just makes the game bloated.
That said, I DO like @Necroblivion 's suggestion of a stand-alone that uses familiar scenery. I wouldn't even mind if it was Bhaalspawn related. I'd love to play a story-heavy adventure based around the intro video. Either you play that Bhaalspawn (and your story ends tragically), or you play a party that's working with the city guard to investigate it. Something like that.
I enjoyed the Black Pits. Makes up for a nice refreshment while playing the main quest. But definitely one Black Pits is enough. Besides it can be modded to exhaustion.
Black Pits was really fun! And it actually had a nice little story to go with the arena combat. Nothing too complex, but there's certainly a plot and a range of characters for you to interact with.
Black Pits is the most disappointing part of BG:EE IMHO. Of course, to each his or her own.
It will be cool if they will make a stand alone campaign that the only area you can play in is Baldur's Gate. Like an urban adventure.
Can you get to Black Pits from the normal campaign or only by creating a newgame?
I haven't tried it out yet either as I've been exclusively playing around with the main campaign so far (and I wasn't really ever too excited about the Black Pits based on the description given by the team), but I'm certainly not in a position to call it "the most disappointing part of BG:EE" or anything to that effect since I haven't tried it and so wouldn't know. It just seems sort of pointless to go out of your way to give your opinion about something when you have no clue what you're talking about. Leave it to those with firsthand information (those that have actually tried it out and developed an opinion of their own) to comment on such things.
I find it hard to believe you soloed the fire giant with a sorcerer but idk
Btw i had a problem with the fire giant one shotting my mages.. but i guess you just kited the shit out of him
That said, I DO like @Necroblivion 's suggestion of a stand-alone that uses familiar scenery. I wouldn't even mind if it was Bhaalspawn related. I'd love to play a story-heavy adventure based around the intro video. Either you play that Bhaalspawn (and your story ends tragically), or you play a party that's working with the city guard to investigate it. Something like that.