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[BG2] Disable Bard Song Button?

SFischSFisch Member Posts: 59
I am looking for a way to disable the bard song button as part of a bard kit in BG2. I am not seeing a way to do so in the relevant OPCODE #144 though. Any suggestions? Am I missing something? From IESDP:

#144 (0x090) Button: Disable Button [144]
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Button
Disabled the button specified by the 'Button' field. The resource field acts as a matching key to the resource field of the Enable Button, allowing separate enable/disable reasons.

Known values for 'Button' are:
0 Stealth Button
1 Thieving Skill Button
2 Spell Select Button
3 First Quick Spell Button
4 Second Quick Spell Button
5 Third Quick Spell Button
6 Turn Undead Button
7 Talk Button
8 Use Item Button
9 First Quick Item Button
10 No effect
11 Second Quick Item Button
12 Third Quick Item Button
13 Innate Ability Button
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