Your Custom Adventurers!

I've seen a couple of Custom portraits and parties inspired by other fiction and I'd love to see more!
I've added mine to the fray...the crew of Farscape!

John is a lawful good Paladin human as he is always takes the moral high ground with moderate to low stats except in int and char
Aeryn is a neutral good half elf (because she ain't altogether human) stalker and relatively strong and dexterous.
D'argo is a chaotic neutral half orc barbarian who isn't too smart or charming but whopping strength and cont.
Chiana is a chaotic neutral elf dexterious swashbuckler.
Rygel is a chaotic good gnome priest of lathander...with fairly poor stats all round and the flee script
Zhann is a true nuetral elf enchanter with max int, wis good char and weak other stats. She would have better strength but then i reckon she's underground and a plant she'd be weaker than usual.
Give us your teams and tell the story behind them!
I've added mine to the fray...the crew of Farscape!

John is a lawful good Paladin human as he is always takes the moral high ground with moderate to low stats except in int and char

Aeryn is a neutral good half elf (because she ain't altogether human) stalker and relatively strong and dexterous.
D'argo is a chaotic neutral half orc barbarian who isn't too smart or charming but whopping strength and cont.
Chiana is a chaotic neutral elf dexterious swashbuckler.
Rygel is a chaotic good gnome priest of lathander...with fairly poor stats all round and the flee script

Zhann is a true nuetral elf enchanter with max int, wis good char and weak other stats. She would have better strength but then i reckon she's underground and a plant she'd be weaker than usual.
Give us your teams and tell the story behind them!
I made a group based on the Songs and Swords books by Elaine Cunningham.
I have:
Danilo Thann: CG Male Human Mage with high charisma, int and dex.
Arilyn Moonblade: NG Female Half-Elf Fighter/Thief focus in Longswords, high str and dex.
Bran Skorlskun: CG Male Human Ranger (Stalker) focus with the Quarterstaff
Bronwyn Caradoon: NG Female Human Thief (Swashbuckler) two-weapon fighting with Shortswords
Dag Zoreth: CE Male Human Cleric (of Cyric) weak con but high dex, mostly healing/ranged support.
Elaith Craulnober: NE Elf Fighter/Wizard Low strength but high dex and con, uses spells like Strength to boost his melee prowess.
The group doesn't really make sense since Bronwyn would never ally with Dag Zoreth but it features most of the prominent characters from those books while still being a fairly balanced team.
I once made a party of drow, whom were members of Bregan D'aerthe, a drow mercenary group from the Drizzt Do'Urden series
I had:
Jaraxle Baenre: Fighter, leader, made good use of Zal's bracers
Dinin Do'Urden: Fighter, usually was the main melle fighter.
Kimmuriel Oblodra: Enchanter (closest thing to a Psionicist)
Valas Hune: Figher/Thief
Rai-guy Bondalek: Cleric/Wizard
Was loads of fun, especially once we got to Baldur's Gate
Severon - Chaotic Neutral - Fighter/Thief - Mostly ranged and to deal with traps and locks. Also guild leader.
Vlud - Lawful Neutral - Conjurer - My all out offensive spell caster. Extremely knowledgeable so useful with high lore.
Savadin - Lawful Good - Cavalier - The tank.
Alanta - Chaotic Good - Stalker - Ranged support with the ability to go into melee if needed. Specialises in blunt to provide crushing damage where needed.
Purplez - True Neutral - Fighter/Druid - My second tank, if required. Otherwise ranged. Provides a mixture of healing, support and offensive spells.
Libelle - Lawful Evil - Cleric of Talos - Provides the bulk of the healing and defensive magic. Emergency tank for ranged when things get out of hand.
Ribert van Gorgen - Human - Paladin - Lawful Good - Tank/ secondary healer
Anar van Gorgen - Human - Fighter - Neutral Good - Melee DD
Maya van Gorgen - Human - Cleric of Lathander - Lawful Good - Healer/ Range DD
Martin Jorgson - Human - Ranger/ Druid - Neutral Good - Melee DD/ Summoner
Ricardo Emere - Lightfood Halfling - Rogue - Chaotic Good - Range DD
Gabaldras Regites - Moonelf - Thaumaturg - Neutral Good - Range DD (don't know the english name for the Thaumaturg. Forbidden school is summoning)
I wrote them all backstories, why they travel together, how there relationships are and were they come from.
Since I made every region at the swordcoast somehow simmiliar to real european countires, I gave them fitting names (except for Calimshan, which would be Marroko).
The van Gorgens are originally from Neverwinter which I imagine to be the Netherlands, Martin is from Luskan which would be Denmark and Ricardo is from Amn which would be Spain. Gabaldras does not count, he's an Elf and the elven countries don't resemble any real country in my emagination. He's from Evereska, btw.
Male Half-Elf Mage/Thief
Female Half-Elf Druid
Male Dwarf Fighter
Female Half-Elf Cleric/Ranger
Male Human Thief
Female Human Transmuter
Although I switched the Transmuter to a Sorceress because I wanted to try it out, and I gave the Druid the Totemic Druid kit for the same reason. FYI: Totemic Druids are borked right now!
Now playing through the main game with shawn and gus from psych with the idea of talking my way out of conflict as much as possible. Shawms a chaotic good jester and gus is a shadow dancer due to his self titled nickname - the shadow...
Love throwing in random characters from other universes makes me play more and I get a feeling of satisfaction when you find a pic that works as a portrait. Thinking about going through the show and picking sound bytes that will work for custom voice. Fun!
Gannicus - human chaotic good ranger (restricted to leather armor), dual wielding swords, gonna shadowkeep him the not-too-useful immunity to Blindness and per day ability Luck (ok strength/con, high dex, ridicolously high charisma)
Ashur - human neutral evil jester, could work as assassin, but due to his ability to talk his way out of tight spots, I favor a bard (moderate stats, high int and charisma)
Saxa - human true neutral barbarian, dual wielding daggers (moderate stats, high dex)
Crixus - human neutral good berzerker, sword and large shield (ridicolous high str/con, rest moderate)
Spartacus - human lawful good paladin; starting with sword and shield, later dual wielding (high charisma, obviously, good strength/dex/int, high con & wisdom - I guess he'd be slightly OPish)
And with this total lack of thieves and casters, my other options are:
Mira - human chaotic good archer (though that would do nothing for divine spells in BG1)
Nasir - human chaotic good thief/fighter, dagger and spear - best fit would be assassin or shadowdancer, but that would also gimp me further for traps/locks, so more likely vanilla thief, then dual to fighter
Sura - human neutral good diviner (she's said to be a seer, and therefore the closest to a mage)
Lucretia - human chaotic neutral cleric (though her "divine insights" in season 2 aren't as divine as she claims)