Katanas outside of Candlekeep?

Anyone know if standard, non-magical katanas are outside of Candlekeep? Or did I just screw myself over by being unable to buy one during the prologue and now have to wait later in the game to run into a +n or magical one?
bottom level cloakwood mines
Non magical katanas are sold in Baldur's Gate, but that isn't till later anyway.
Alternatively, Wakizashis could be moved into the Katana proficiency, seeing as they are very similar in aesthetic and combat style.
Or another idea would be to start the game with the weapon you specialized in.. this would also make sense from a roleplaying perspective.
Bah. I dumped my proficiencies into katana. Now I'm not sure whether I should keep going or restart. I'm only at Beregost but I hate restarting.
The price is a bit steep. I suspect Winthrop is setting extortionate pricing because he's hoarding his stock for some illicit underground kenjutsu ring staged in the deep cellars beneath Candlekeep.
Offer to trade your staff for two katanas. When Winthrop looks perplexed, explain that your quarterstaff can be broken in two and whittled into two serviceable bokken. Any skilled competitor of Candlekeep Kenjutsu Club (CKC) worthy of the title of Candlekeep Kenjutsu Club Champion (CKCC) would be even worthier if said title was won with a pair of bokken.
Winthrop will argue that if you're so keen on getting a pair of katanas, then you must think you're hot stuff with the kenjutsu, thus challenging YOU to compete in the CKC for the title of CKCC. Thus you now know the location and secret passphrase to gain entry into CKC. At which point you can compete and earn the title of CKCC, but more importantly you can just run around and pickpocket katanas at your leisure off the befuddled CKC members who can't remember what the sixth rule of CKC is.
Or someone can just make a mod that drops the price to a slightly saner 100gp per katana. Or introduce bokken at 1gp that use katana proficiency but only do 1d4 damage. (Any skilled katana wielder should be able to complete the entirety of BG1 through ToB with just a pair of bokken, after all.)
Another option is the Rebalanced Weapon Proficiency component. It clusters wakizashis and katanas under the same proficiency, giving the player a little more weapon flexibility as they search for a katana.
What, I'm expected to read the thread?
BG2 Tweaks doesn't add any katanas to stores (I think that's BGT Tweaks) which is why I was mentioning the option (plus BG2T is actually available for BGEE, meaning it's a practical solution). I find the rebalanced weapon profs (which do exactly what you suggest, amongst other changes) to be a far more sensible grouping--but that's my natural bias, since I coded it.
Sounds like an invitation to a duel.
Only girls fight with swords these days, we fight with cannon! Choose your stoker.
Edit: Or if you are role playing an evil character. Get a watcher alone and kill him. If no one sees you kill them it doesn't hurt your rep or turn Candlekeep hostile. Their plate mail should sell for around 300gp each. Do that three times and you can buy a katana.
The ninjatō is a superior choice anyway. Cheap, efficient, stylish. Cheap.
Even if BG:EE used some other mechanic for determining breakability that ignored that flag, I sure would feel more at ease if that flag were not set (especially for the enchanted versions).
Aye, katanas are hard to find, but since there has been so many tips now on how to afford one (get money from Firebead, shank him, kill guards, open chest, cheese your way thru importing a char...) everyone who would want to have a katana...will.