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Duo archer/Kivan run?

Would it be possible to do a duo run with a PC archer (elf, gauntlets of w. exp., comp. bow +1) and Kivan (gauntlets +2 ranged THAC0), or would you need a thief (Imoen, Coran) for traps? I've never played through the whole game, and thought it would be fun to try.


  • EnterHaerDalisEnterHaerDalis Member Posts: 813
    Yeah it's possible

    For the most part you don't NEED a thief... life's just a hell of a lot easier with one. Playing through the game with only 2 characters is doing yourself a bit of an injustice though. There are just so many cool NPC's to choose from now..

    Playing through with 2 archers would be a lot of reloading too
  • ARKdeEREHARKdeEREH Member Posts: 531
    I usually play with 2-3 characters in my party and don't play with thieves. You certainly don't "need" a thief, but the early game is more difficult in a few areas if you don't have one.

    I play with mages and clerics so I'm not sure how well it would work without spells. I usually cast Haste on myself and try to outrun spell effects from traps and/or use cleric spells to heal myself if I get damaged from them. I suppose you could achieve a similar effect with the Boots of Speed and healing potions.
  • SpacemanSpiffSpacemanSpiff Member Posts: 23
    Perhaps PC archer, Kivan, and Imoen (with dagger of venom for mages)? I can see how certain battles would be really difficult though (sirines, for example). I would probably try to use kivan as a tank too.
  • FlashburnFlashburn Member Posts: 1,847
    I'd do PC archer, Coran, and Kivan if you're doing a ranged weapons run. Those two are the best archers in the game, though I prefer Coran to Kivan.
  • SpacemanSpiffSpacemanSpiff Member Posts: 23
    The only reason I wouldn't pick up Coran is because there's only 2 good longbows to go around, and one really good shortbow in the game (as I understand it). Also, can Coran wear the Shadow Armor or is that limited to pure thieves?
  • bbearbbear Member Posts: 1,180
    It's easy to survive traps using a mage. Mirror Image evades magical trap spell, minor globe of invulnerability protects lvl 3 or lower spells, minor spell deflection protects up to lvl 7, spell deflection protects against all lvl spells, spell immunity protects against all spells from 1 school and etc. Both stoneskin and mirror image protects against physical trap.

    Another way to survive magical traps is getting high magic resistance. Vicky can do that for you.
  • SpacemanSpiffSpacemanSpiff Member Posts: 23
    Thanks bbear. As a side note, for thieves, is there any point in putting points in set traps for BG1? Don't I have to wait till high levels (BG2) to even have traps to set (besides my snare)?
  • raywindraywind Member Posts: 289
    I like soloing and duo plays, but i feel that thief is essential for few parts of the game BUT you can skip those parts if you like no one forces you to go durlags. at the moment im playing trio with Swashbuckler pc edvin and xzar dualed to cleric and its a blast and a bit too easy.
  • MatthewAMatthewA Member Posts: 12
    If you are not hard set on the number of two, a mage and two archers would work. I suppose a mage and archer as well.

    The biggest benefit of archers (especially in BG1) is their great Thaco and sustained damage. They can take care of 90% of the game, but you'll want something for that other 10%. Mage would have you covered. Summons and a host of other support spells.
  • AdulAdul Member Posts: 2,002
    I believe I once solo'ed the game with an archer. In the original Tutu/BGT it has been easier because a lot of the enemies were much slower than the player, making hit and run tactics very good. In BG:EE wolves, ghouls, gnolls, and possibly other creatures run faster, making an archer less viable, especially on lower levels.

    You'll need a solid amount of magic arrows to do damage to the various normal weapon resistant monsters. Some creatures, like mustard jellies, are immune to piercing and missile damage. You might have trouble taking them down with a melee weapon you're only proficient with.

    And of course, if you want to get all the ability-incrementing tomes and manuals in the game, you'll probably need either a mage or a thief on occasion to get through a lock. A very high strength-altering potion might do the trick as well, though.
  • zzCoinszzCoins Member Posts: 13
    A fighter-thief can be a very good archer
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    Coran can equip Shadow Armor.

    Also, those three bows total are plenty good.

    Composite Long Bow +1 = +3 Damage, +2 THAC0
    Long Bow of Marksmanship/Dead Shot +2 = +2 Damage, +3 THAC0
    Eagle Bow/Protector of the Dryads = +2 Damage, +2 THAC0

    I think an Archer PC, Kivan and Coran party would be totally badass haha! You could make it through the game, there might be some tough spots but you could pull it off.
  • SpacemanSpiffSpacemanSpiff Member Posts: 23
    Thanks guys! @Quartz, isn't the Eagle Bow a short bow though? I thought Coran was specialized in long bows?
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    @SpacemanSpiff Agh! That's right they separated those damn proficiencies, I forgot been playing BG Vanilla too long. Make your PC specialize in Short Bows then while Kivan and Coran take the Long Bows then. It'll be annoying for a little while but you'll be on par with them soon enough. Eagle Bow is pretty late in the game but you can buy a Short Bow +1 at the Thunderhammer Smithy in Beregost along the way.
  • SpacemanSpiffSpacemanSpiff Member Posts: 23
    @Quartz haha yeah I was in the same boat when I first jumped in (never did mess around with TuTu), but don't you think it would just be better to go longbow +1, for the increased *potential* damage? How do you think shortbow vs. longbow would play out damage-wise, in the end? Also, when is the soonest I can get Coran, keeping in mind there is a timer on his quest (I think)?
  • SpacemanSpiffSpacemanSpiff Member Posts: 23
    I meant start with composite, then eventually switch to longbow +1 in BG.
  • FlashburnFlashburn Member Posts: 1,847
    Y'know, this sounds like so much fun I'm going to start a playthrough like this.
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    @SpacemanSpiff There is a Longbow +1? News to me. With a Longbow +1 though, it would be +2 THAC0 +1 Damage. Not as good as Eagle Bow. As far as damage goes, you would be just a bit gimped at the start, not equipping Composites and all with their +2 Damage, but you could pick up the Short Bow +1 (+1 THAC0 +1 Damage) pretty darn early which would make things a whole lot better. Late in the game, Chapter 5, you would find the Eagle Bow (+2 THAC0 +2 Damage) and you would be barely behind the other two. Your damage would be fine.

    You can't pick up Coran until Chapter 4 unfortunately, when you unlock Cloakwood. At which point all of Cloakwood opens up so you wouldn't have to worry about his quest. You pick him up in Cloakwood 1 and his quest is Cloakwood 4, return to Beregost Temple.
  • SpacemanSpiffSpacemanSpiff Member Posts: 23
    edited December 2012
    @Flashburn I haven't started it yet (gotta finish my first playthrough!) but I've always loved Kivan/Coran. I almost started an archer run for EE but decided against it because I love Kivan and felt like it would be overkill and too easy to have two ridiculous archers in a party of 6. JUST archers, on the other hand... hehe.
    Post edited by SpacemanSpiff on
  • WanderonWanderon Member Posts: 1,418
    PC archer, Kivan and Imoen dualed to mage - then if they make the Kivan mod for BG2 compatible with BG2:EE you can finish the journey there.
  • PhilhelmPhilhelm Member Posts: 473

    @Flashburn I haven't started it yet (gotta finish my first playthrough!) but I've always loved Kivan/Coran. I almost started an archer run for EE but decided against it because the I love Kivan and felt like it would be overkill and too easy. JUST archers, on the other hand... hehe.

    Why not solo as Kivan? No cheating, so his stats will have to be identical, with the exception of strength, which could simply be a /## that would be within the bonus range of his actual number (or hack it). Then download his voiceset and exact revenge.
  • SpacemanSpiffSpacemanSpiff Member Posts: 23
    @Philhelm haha hey now that might actually be fun! Except I would make him an archer, as I feel it more accurately represents his character.
  • SpacemanSpiffSpacemanSpiff Member Posts: 23
    Welp I've started. PC elf archer, Kivan, and Imoen (for traps and to eventually wield the eagle bow) for now. Will rush through the campaign till Cloakwood for Coran. So far, so good. It's funny to see oncoming melee attackers pelted to death before they're even within 20 meters...
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