Am I too evil? What is going on here? He doesn't want anything to do with the likes of me.
Perhaps your characters reaction score is too low? What is your charisma/ what is the charisma of the person you've been using to talk to him? also what is your reputation?
Before you kill him try saving, quiting out of the game, and reloading. There was an old bug in BG where people would not talk to you if you clicked on them. I doubt this is it, but it is worth a shot. Does it say he "has nothing to say to you" or something around those lines?
Cloakwood forest area one, and he reacted this way the first time I approached. He did not say anything to me, I had to speak with him, and when I did, he says to leave him be.
A final question: If I aid Aldeth in order to do the merchant's league quest later, can I slay him after completion and still encounter his brother Dabron?