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BGEE too easy even on insane

I just finished BGEE with a solo Fighter/Mage/Thief on Insane difficulty and although I really love this game I was dissapointed by the lack of challenge, even with a lone character (so with 6...). The only fight I found somewhat difficult was the last one against Sarevok (I got him by running around from him for about 10 mn, killing him slowly with magic arrows). I did not use any cheat nor XP cap remover (so my levels were 6/6/7 at the end). Is there a way that Overhaul could possibly add a level of difficulty in a later patch? Thanks!


  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited December 2012
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  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838
    Your probably going to be waiting for the SCS mod to be updated. That said the game was always soloable on insane even before BGEE, especially with a fighter/mage/thief.

    @SandmanCCL completed a solo hard core run with a Bard I believe. So ya chances are you'll be waiting for the modding community.
  • AltairAltair Member Posts: 128
    Thanks for your answers guys! Will try with the new patch, and wait for upcoming mods... I might also try hardcore, although that must be quite frustrating at times...
  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838
    Frustrating is an understatement Altair. In the original game a couple months before EE released I gave up after a week when I heard gorion's opening lines for like the 10th or 11th time in 3 days
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  • J_IrenicusJ_Irenicus Member Posts: 7
    Ohno.. That sounds bad, I hope they fix that.
    and hopefully they didn't make the game less challenging intentionally?
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  • PewtPewt Member Posts: 1
    I haven't played much of the EE yet, so I can't say I know how different the difficulty is, but solo F/M or F/M/T was easy mode in vanilla (and in challenge mods, too). If you want difficulty, F/M[/*], whether solo or in a party, is not the way to go.
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  • SuiboonSuiboon Member Posts: 86
    How about a naked wizard slayer solo with minimum in all stats?
  • maneromanero Member Posts: 392
    lol man you took the strongest solo class and whine on difficulty level oO
  • sebassebas Member Posts: 57
    edited December 2012
    You want a challenge yet you rolled a F/M/T for a solo run? That's one of the easiest classes for the job. :)

    Do a solo Monk, a thief kit or something to that effect for more challenge. Or even a Sorcerer.

    If you want a challenge throughout BG1+2 yet still have quite a punch packed in the character, I would say go Swashbuckler or Blade. Maybe even an Assassin. Should be good fun throughout the series.

    If you just want it to be balls-to-the-wall hard, just go Wizard Slayer with bad stats, like @Suiboon mentioned.
  • tobajastobajas Member Posts: 77
    Well the IWD 2 New game + mode would have been nice I say New game + since that difficulty was pretty much impossible to do with a new character. Difficutly pretty much gave every monster in the game +10 lvls if I remember right a goblin went from maybe 8hp up to 60hp
  • TeflonTeflon Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 515
    Hope there is a disagree button!!
    Since I even ma arse kicked by kobold normal difficulty.
  • AltairAltair Member Posts: 128
    Yes Tobajas, this is what I call a challenging game! Waiting for BGEE, I started a IWD2 Heart of Fury game with a party at level 1and managed to take it all the way to the end - it took me forever, but oh that was fun! Just wish there were a HOF option for BG. To the other replies: I agree that F/M/T is not the most challenging solo (will try others), but I still think they should provide a higher difficulty level...
  • VitorVitor Member Posts: 288
  • HowieHowie Member Posts: 136

    Ohno.. That sounds bad, I hope they fix that.
    and hopefully they didn't make the game less challenging intentionally?

    There is nothing to be fixed. Someone picked the cookie cutter class and rolled till everything is 18 and it makes the game too easy? Why don't you try a pure mage solo on insane?
  • MokonaMokona Member Posts: 89
    edited December 2012
    sebas said:

    You want a challenge yet you rolled a F/M/T for a solo run? That's one of the easiest classes for the job. :)

    Thank you, I'm glad someone mentioned that :P
    All that utility packed into one character makes for a preeeetty unbalanced experience since you level so fast solo. That was the first class I ever did solo back in the day and I remember flying through the game without issue.
  • AltairAltair Member Posts: 128
    OK people, I will listen to you! Starting right now a solo run with a simple thief, to start with... Thanks for your replies.
  • CadrosCadros Member Posts: 253
    @Altair super easy if you use traps...
  • AltairAltair Member Posts: 128
    @Cadros, I don't!
  • CadrosCadros Member Posts: 253
    @Altair Then best of luck!
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  • catfishcatfish Member Posts: 31
    so solo with a bard next time then..... NEXT!
  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    You should consider that soloing makes the game easier already.
  • AltairAltair Member Posts: 128
    @Grulo I agree that some exploits make the game too easy, but there is also a logical (not to say human) tendency to do your best to outsmart the game and your enemies... shouldn't it be the role of the designers to try to anticipate and prevent these exploits? Or to create more challenging modes (such as IWD2 HOF)?
  • QuineloeQuineloe Member Posts: 55
    Altair you can complain about the designers of the game being outsmarted by you, if it weren't for the fact that you're 15 years late and the designers have moved on from BG a decade ago.

    The "exploits" you're using right now have been known for just as long.
  • AltairAltair Member Posts: 128
    @Quineloe I am personnally not using these exploits, and have been playing BG for 15 years. I just think BGEE should have been an opportunity to at least adding a level of difficulty (such as HOF), which I don't think was that complicated to do...
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