Any reason not to be a fighter mage thief if you remove the XP cap?
I think it might be fun on my next play through to remove the XP cap and solo as an elven fighter mage thief. Hopefully there should be at least one powerful weapon in the game that he can use... and naturally he's going to go hunting for food around Drizzt with a bunch of traps. It's not his fault if he gets supremely envious of all that bling and accidentally gets caught pick pocketing, runs off in the night being chased by a very scary drow who happens to get hit by all those traps...
1. Can do literally everything but heal themselves
1. Splitting experience three ways means he takes a very long time to develop; recommended solution is running with smaller parties
Choosing a Multi-Class Race-
You can only choose elf and half-elf. Because constitution bonuses split by a third when you tri-class, the extra bonus HP from going to 18 con doesn't apply til you gain the fighter level and even then, it's just one HP. I believe elf is the stronger pick, period.
Recommended Stats
19 Dex, 17 CON, 18 INT. Favored stat after that is strength, which you want at least 15. Wisdom and Charisma are not needed.
Good-aligned F/M/Ts should invest in Scimitars to try and get Drizzt's Defender sword because the bonus AC really helps out a lot. Otherwise, longswords through BG1 and katanas through BG2. Short Bows are your best bet for a ranged weapon.
17+ doesn't do anything.
Even if there is no scrolls for higth lvl spells in the game , sorcerers can still pick them and use them. (wish and limited wish are the ones that are bugged (no text) but the other works )
I did encounter something strange, not sure if it is a bug, however I usually kill Firebead Elvenhair for his scroll of identify/lot's o' gold/trinkets at Candlekeep. He's relatively easy to knock out (even on Insane). But the best part is he's 2700 exp. Or at least he usually is but not this time because I only got 1000 of it. What gives? I mean I guess it's okay since I intend to power game and get scrolls of con and int... but I wouldn't have minded gaining a level or two for a bit of extra UMPH. Oh well...
Well you can just put a points on steal until you reach around 55 and do it by yourself , even at lvl 1 with that dex