List of NPC Interactions/Banters

These are the lines that Dan Simpson from Gamefaqs collated a while back. I've omitted dialogue lines that are character specific and only included the ones directed to other NPCs, just to save space.
There are many missing below but these are the bulk of the banters available. If you've come across any of the following unknown identities, just list the number (e.g. 1?, 20?, 100?) and which NPC the quote was directed to. There might be lines directed to more than one NPC that are not listed below too. Also if you've come across something not listed, then feel free to make a note of it. For example, I could have sworn that Viconia has some dialogue towards Xan.
I've posted this list to show what it takes to trigger off certain banters and which NPCs were designed to talk to whom.
*Edwin, Minsc, Quayle and Tiax, with I think Skie, Viconia and Shar-Teel all seem to have a habit of thinking aloud. So they will be talkative without necessarily having an NPC to talk directly to.
Ajantis's Lines
Kivan = "You're a man of honor, I respect your integrity.”
Branwen = "You are a most beautiful lady, Miss."
1? = "Your actions fly in the face of everything Helm holds sacred!"
2? = "There is naught but good and evil. I suspect you are of the latter."
3? = "Evil must be purged wherever it is found... even among companions!"
4? = "The stench of evil clings to you in the most... VILE manner!"
5? = "I can bear no more! Raise your weapon and defend yourself!"
6? = "I may yet still be a Squire, but I possess more integrity than you could ever hope for!"
Reply to 8? = "You will watch your MOUTH around the fairer sex!”
Reply to 9? = "I thank you for your compliment."
Reply to 10? = "I think it would be wise for you to improve your conduct while in this party!"
On 11?’s Death: "It is unfortunate that our companion died before he could recant his ways."
Alora's Lines
Edwin = "So you're a mage? I knew a mage once, but he was pretty stuffy! You're not like that..."
Edwin = "Smile more often, Edwin, it looks good on you!"
Edwin = "Well everyone is basically decent, once you get them to unwrinkle their faces."
Edwin’s Death = "Poor Edwin. He was just learning how to loosen up."
Garrick = "Play your song again, Garrick. That one I like, pleeeeeeeeeeeease!"
Minsc = "Ohh! It's just the cutest little hamesty wampsty! Who's a fuzzy boo?"
Xan = "I've heard if you go too long without smiling, your face will crack!"
Xan = "It must be hard work to be NEGATIVE all the time!"
Reply to Xan = "You needn't be so mean! I'm nice to YOU!"
Reply to Xan = "Oooh! Someone needs a tickle! Someone needs a tickle! Smile already! Yeesh!"
Reply to Xan = "Why must you be such a grumpy pus! Cheer up!"
Reply to 18? = "You are mean mean mean! No wonder people don't like you!"
Branwen's Lines
Ajantis = "You are a strong warrior, I respect that."
Shar-Teel = "Shar-Teel seems to have more spine than a lot of the MEN in this party."
Shar-Teel = "You are valiant of action, Shar-Teel. A pity your spirit is mismatched."
Shar-Teel's Death = "'Tis a shame to lose such an accomplished warrior."
Reply to Khalid or Kivan = "Thank you for your kind words."
20? = "Stay well clear of me you foul-speaking Heretic!"
21? = "Tempus would guide your wayward soul, if you let him."
22? = "May Tempus one day show you the error of your ways."
23? = "You shame this party by your mere presence."
25? = "In a war of virtues, thou art an art."
Reply to 26? = "I do not take such insults lightly."
Reply to 28? = "Do not mock me!"
Coran's Lines
Safana = "Safana, you are full of such subtle wit and charm."
Safana = "Sometimes, Safana, I find myself attracted to you, despite your shallow spiteful demeanor."
Safana = "You've been dominating my thoughts recently, Safana. It's distracting my work."
Reply to Safana = "If you weren't such a self-serving wench... I don't think I'd find you half as attractive."
Reply to Safana = "Admit it, Safana, you sometimes find me to your liking."
Reply to Safana = "You are rather uncouth today."
Safana's Death = "I wish we had more time to know each other, Safana."
Any Female = "You have the most beautiful...uh...eyes."
Any Female/Viconia= "A fine figure like yours shouldn't be risked in an occupation such as adventuring."
30? = "A more beautiful girl I don't think I've laid eyes on."
Reply to 32? = "I don't appreciate your humor."
Reply to 33? = "I accept your compliments."
Dynaheir's Lines
Reply to Edwin = "Evil to thy cause? Perhaps. However, those of decent nature know otherwise."
Minsc = "Ull... Must thou keep that rodent so close? 'Tis surely unclean."
Minsc = "Stand easy Minsc. Thy needs not be so motherly."
Minsc's Death = "Minsc! Minsc... his mighty berserker wrath will not go unremembered."
Reply to Viconia = "Thou art fluent in compliments. Some might say Effluent."
34? = "I'll thank thee to remain upwind. 'Tis hard to cast spells while I gag."
Reply to 35? = "Any protection would be courtesy not necessity, my power is no less than thine."
Reply to 36? = "Thou shalt not question my will once I present thy neck to the Orth Lor (??)"
Reply to 37? = "I pray thee did not kiss thy mother with that mouth."
Reply to 38? = "Thou art right indeed. After my own heart."
Reply to 39? = "Thy decency is refreshing. So many we meet are... lacking."
Edwin's Lines
Alora = "Her company is refreshing, but I am surprised I find it so."
Alora = "No harm shall come to her as I yet live."
Reply to Alora = "'Tis welcome you find no fault with one such as I."
Reply to Alora = "Your words please, though I know not their motive..."
Reply to Dynaheir = "This witch deceives you with her lies! I tell you she is evil!"
Reply to Dynaheir = "There is no protection if you goad me further, witch!"
Dynaheir's Death = "Checkmate! At last the witch dies!"
Reply to Xan, Jaheira or Safana = "Watch your words when addressing me lest they be fed to you on the end of my boot."
Reply to 45? = "This group be a damned sight better off without you!"
Reply to 46? = "Typical response... I wonder if they will prove useful at all..."
Eldoth's Lines
Skie = "Skie, my little angel, a woman should know her place."
Reply to Skie = "Skie don't bother me right now."
Reply to Skie = "Be silent Skie! It's not like your opinion is worth anything..."
Shar-Teel = "Shar-Teel your lot in life is to make cookies and bear children. Now shut up."
Shar-Teel = "The wench had it coming."
Xan = "You must be the most uninteresting person I have the honor of knowing."
48? = "Perhaps we could talk over wine tonight. I've never met a lady such as you, and I'm desirous to know you better."
Reply to 49? = "Stop your whining, wench."
Reply to 50? = "Your wit is somewhat lacking."
Reply to 51? = "I knew that."
Reply to 52? = "Don't try my patience."
Reply to 53? = "Try to keep quiet and speak only when spoken to."
Faldorn's Lines:
Jaheira = "You are a fool, Jaheira, to think that Man can live with nature and not destroy it."
Jaheira = "You dilute our order with your compassionate attitude."
Jaheira = "One day woman, you and I will settle our differences."
Jaheira = "Jaheira. Your choice of a mate suits your weakling nature."
Jaheira's Death = "Her poisonous influence has been ended."
54? = "It's time I rid our fellowship of your... unwholesome influence."
Reply to 55? = "I... I don't know why you speak to me so!"
Reply to 56? = "I have no quarrel with you. Please, don't create one."
Reply to 57? = "I thank you."
Reply to 58? = "You have more wisdom than the others give you credit for."
Reply to 59? = "I am glad to adventure with one who respects our Oak Father's kingdom."
Reply to 60? = "Your shallow regard for nature sickens me!"
Garrick's Lines:
Skie = "Perhaps you'd care to hear my music, Skie. It's very different and somewhat better than Eldoth's."
Skie = "Why do you stay with Eldoth, Skie? Can't you see that he's just using you?"
Skie = "A girl of beauty is a joy forever."
Skie's Death = "No! Why her? She didn't deserve this."
Eldoth = "Don't speak to Skie that way, Eldoth; she deserves better."
Eldoth = "My music is superior to yours, Eldoth; I was taught at the college in Verdusk."
Tiax = "I think you need to learn some manners."
61? = "I think you're an honorable person."
62? = "I don't remember knowing a more caring person."
Reply to 63? = "Thank you so very much for your most gracious compliment."
Reply to 64? = "I don't know what I did to deserve THAT."
Reply to 65? = "It takes two to make a quarrel."
Imoen's Lines:
Jaheira's Lines:
Khalid = "Khalid my dear, 'twould take a sailor to untie that tongue."
Khalid's Death = "Blast it Khalid! You die! I swear you'll never hear the end of it!"
Kivan or Garrick = "Seldom do I find so little fault with someone. I hope it lasts."
Reply to Edwin = "You are ... amusing. In a what-the-hell is wrong with you kind of way."
66? = "Do you claim to fight evil while you are diabolic yourself?"
67? = "I know nothing of gold, but you are nearly Zhentish in spirit. Zshh, 'tis disgusting."
69? = "Keep your distance. I doubt your motives are as you claim."
Reply to 70? = "You demonstrate your own pettiness. It saves me the trouble so I take no offense."
Reply to 71? = "Ah ah... careful. Ground tongue makes excellent fertilizer, especially with what you're spewing."
Reply to 72? = "Is grass not made of blades? Do stars not shoot? Nature be well armed and demands so of her servants."
Kagain's Lines:
Yeslick = "You're the stupidest dwarf I've ever met! You're an embarassment to dwarves everywhere!"
Yeslick = "Yeslick, your stupid mine is what started all this trouble!"
Reply to Yeslick = "Yeslick, shut your lousy mouth and get out of my face!"
Reply to Yeslick = "You're an imbecile Yeslick! If you piss me off one more time, I'm going to rip your head off!"
Reply to Yeslick = "You lousy excuse for a dwarf! I'm going to rip you a new arse!"
Yeslick's Death = "Stupid dwarf was going to die sooner or later."
74? = "Altruistic moron..."
Reply to 75? = "You should shut up."
Reply to 76? = "Keep on talking that way, and I'm going to stuff your mouth full of horse dung!"
Reply to 77? = "Shut up and show me the money!"
Reply to 78? = "Are you some kind of a moron? What did you think you was doing?"
Reply to 79? = "Ya dolt! Shut yer trap before it gets ya into trouble!"
Khalid's Lines:
Jaheira = "Please! Jaheira! You needn't be so so... uh."
Jaheira's Death = "Ja-Jaheira! No! Noooooooo!"
Kivan or Branwen = "Your company is a welcome part of this group."
Montaron/Xzar = "Usually everyone proves themselves, but there is something... disturbing about you."
Montaron/Xzar/Kagain/Edwin = "I don't mean to be confrontational, but could you be a little less... evil?"
Reply to Kivan = "Oh.. uh... Thank you!"
81? = "I had thought none could be so beyond the b-bounds of goodness! Surely you need h-help!"
Reply to 84? = "Sharpen your tongue elsewhere. Everyone deserves a chance."
Reply to 85? = "You ... must you continually....?"
Reply to 87? = "Your honesty is refreshing, but lace it well with tact."
Kivan's Lines:
Viconia = "Stay away from me, Dark Elf!"
Viconia = "How are we to trust one who venerates the Spider Queen?"
Viconia = "Your evil ways will bring you ruin, Dark Elf!"
Viconia = "Don't make me warn you again Drow, your next slip will be your last!"
Reply to Viconia = "You dark hearted bitch! You'll die for that!"
Reply to Viconia = "Watch what you say!"
Reply to Viconia = "Shut your mouth!"
Viconia's Death = "May Viconia's soul rot in Hell!"
Reply to Ajantis or Xan or Khalid = "Your candor is appreciated."
Khalid = "You are a valuable companion."
Khalid or Branwen = "Your courage shames the others."
Quayle/Xzar/Tiax = "Shut up! Your chattering will drive us all insane!"
Minsc's Lines:
Dynaheir's Death = "Dynaheir! Noooo! You will be avenged!"
Garrick = "Play on Bard, tis sweet music to my furry friend!"
Reply to Safana = "I take no offense from your comments. You just don't understand the bond I have with Boo."
91? = "Boo does not like your manner... away with you!"
Reply to 92? = "Your words are as sharp as my blade, although not half as shiny. Ooh... shiny!"
Montaron's Lines:
Xzar's Death = "And the mad wizard falls! Saves me the trouble."
93? = "Keep yer distance ye goodie goodie. I no like the smell of charity."
94? = "Good or bad, ye'll go the way of all flesh."
95? = "'Tis a wonder ye've lived as long as ye have!"
Reply to 96? = "Do ye truly want your last words to be SO STUPID?"
Reply to 97? = "Do not make light of me! My purpose is greater than you could imagine!"
Reply to 98? = "Your wit be as sharp as my blade! Do we exchange jabs? Or will ye cease your prattle?"
Reply to 99? = "Mayhap we should just be friendly more, and go for tea."
Reply to 100? = "Ye live longer if ye don't annoy me. Mayhaps even a week or more."
Quayle's Lines:
Tiax = "Ruler of the world, Hmmm? Only if chosen by virtue of an uncluttered mind!"
Tiax = "Indeed you grow GRANDER by the moment. Although how a Fat Head will help, I do not know."
Tiax's Death = "Ah Tiax! If any had asked I would have said that you were too dumb to live!"
Garrick = "Mind not what others say, the intelligent enjoy your music regardless."
Reply to Xan = "You don't expect me to belive that. I'm too smart for your hidden insults."
Reply to Kivan = "OoooOooh! Insult me again! Only this time use your brain!"
Reply to 103? = "Who taught this chimp to talk? What they can't do these days!"
Safana's Lines:
Minsc/Edwin = "My feet are very sore, perhaps you could massage them?"
Reply to Coran = "I assume, Coran, that you think that your elven charms are considerably. Let me enlighten you, they aren't!"
Reply to Coran = "Watch what you say, Elf!"
Reply to Coran = "I might find you attractive, Coran, if you weren't so irritating."
Coran's Death = "Don't die silly elf. I didn't mean all the things I said!"
Kivan = "You're a very sexy man."
Kivan = "I'd love to see what... other skills you posess."
Reply to 106? = "I love it when you speak to me that way!"
Reply to 107? = "You have about as much appeal as a rotting owl bear!"
Reply to 108? = "You think that I'd surrendur myself to the likes of you? That's a laugh!"
Reply to 109? = "I like it when you are nasty to me."
Reply to 110? = "You could be... somewhat more creative in your insults."
Reply to 111? = "Oh I always love a good compliment."
Shar-Teel's Lines:
Eldoth = "Eldoth you're a impudent degenerate lout who has delusions of male superiority."
Reply to Eldoth = "Say another word, Eldoth, and I'll cut out your tongue."
Reply to Eldoth = "Your impudence will one day get you killed, Eldoth."
Reply to Eldoth = "Watch your mouth Eldoth, or I'll end your life where you stand."
Reply to Eldoth = "You were warned Eldoth, now reap the consequences!"
112? = "Useless male dungheap."
113? = "I spit on your manhood!"
114? = "Don't think yourself second to any man!"
Reply to 115? = "Flattery will get you nowhere."
Reply to 116? = "*laughs* You're such a funny man! That's why I'm going to kill you last."
Reply to 117? = "How would you like my sword tickling your innards?"
118?'s Death = "The swine had it coming."
Skie's Lines:
Eldoth = "Eldoth, why do you treat our companions so badly?"
Eldoth = "I love you... Eldoth."
Eldoth = "Why do you always have to make fun of me? I hate you! Get away from me!"
Eldoth = "Eldoth tell them to stop being so cruel!"
Eldoth's Death = "What am I going to do? You can't die, Eldoth, you can't!"
Garrick = "I'd love to hear your music Garrick."
Garrick = "Eldoth is a kind man. He cares about me, Garrick!"
119? = "You're a good friend."
120? = "I feel safe with you in the party."
121? = "I think you're a beautiful person."
Reply to 122? = "Thank you, you're very kind."
Tiax's Lines:
Quayle = "Where will your learning get you when Tiax rules? Duke of Manure at best!"
Quayle = "Sure ye be smart, but none are grander than Tiax!"
Quayle's Death = "Ha ha ha ha! Smart guy dies! And Tiax goes on to RULE!"
Reply to Garrick = "Give thy tongue a holiday! Tiax so commands!"
Reply to 123? = "Thou wouldst mock me? Ye stiff rumped fool!"
Reply to 124? = "*weird noises* Tiax and his greatness shall squash you as a bug you *weird noises* insolent bug!"
Reply to 125? = "Your insults carry little sting. Tiax knows he will rule in the end."
Reply to 126? = "You cup shot mutton head! Tiax will slap ya silly! When he rules."
Reply to 127? = "Aw, your goals are petty in comparison to the wonder of Tiax!"
Viconia's Lines:
Dynaheir/Shar-Teel = "You are one of the among us whom I can respect."
Reply to Kivan = "Don't threaten me, Kivan, it shall only lead to your death!"
Kivan's Death = "It is sad that Kivan and I never understood each other."
Xan's Lines:
Eldoth = "Eldoth! Could you stand away from me? The stench is somewhat unnerving!"
Eldoth = "Perhaps, Eldoth, you could be a little more polite to our companions?"
Eldoth = "You could do us all a favor, Eldoth, by getting KILLED in the next battle!"
Eldoth's Death = "I would grieve for Eldoth, if it were not for the sense of joy I now feel!"
Ajantis = "Have you ever wondered how... hollow your convictions sound, Ajantis?"
Ajantis = "It seems our resident Suicide Monger, Ajantis, lives in a black and white world!"
Kivan or Khalid or CHARNAME = "Around you I almost feel as if we have a chance!"
Alora/Quayle/Edwin = "Your stupidity makes you a DOOMED MAN."
129? = "Well, with you as my companion, who needs enemies?"
Reply to 131? = "If I wanted your opinion I would have asked for it."
Reply to 132? = "I hope what you say was well intentioned."
Reply to 133? = "Do not think I will endure your insults indefinately."
Xzar's Lines:
Montaron = "Tell us a story, Monty, something with Bears and Gold."
Montaron = "Ha ha there Montaron. Quite the fight, eh, Chum?"
Montaron = "Oh, come on Montaron lighten up! Must you be so moody all the time?"
Montaron's Death = "Montaron... I ... I never loved you!"
Reply to 134? = "Oh speak no more, lest ye gorge my sweet tooth."
Reply to 135? = "I'll not be mocked, thou most slanderous harlot!"
Yeslick's Lines:
Kagain's Death = "I wish no Dwarf dead, but I'll not miss his company!"
136? = "'Twould be good if you tithed a few golds now and then. The favor of gods is worth a few gold."
137? = "You sold your morays for the love of gold. All Dwarves are kin, but I'll not call you family!"
138? = "Friendships last when gold is long gone. Perhaps you should be a little nicer to the group!"
139? = "I've been through enough without suffering you as well. Be gone!"
140? = "Watch what ye say. Good natured, I am. But I swing a mean axe when evil's concerned."
141? = "We fight for what's right, but you needn't take such pleasure in it!"
142? = "Violence solves only the simplest of problems. You must think your way through the tough ones."
143? = "A friendly face is a blessed sight in these times."
144? = "Your ego is positively elven. Drop it a notch, lest I do it for you!"
Reply to 145? = "Thine words are always appreciated."
Banter Totals:
- Kivan = 1
- Branwen = 1
- Unknown = 10
- Edwin = 4
- Minsc = 1
- Garrick = 1
- Xan = 5
- Unknown = 1
- Ajantis = 1
- Shar-Teel = 3
- Khalid = 1
- Kivan = 1
- Unknown = 7
- Safana = 7
- Any Female = 2
- Unknown = 3
- Edwin = 1
- Minsc = 3
- Viconia = 1
- Unknown = 6
- Alora = 4
- Dynaheir = 3
- Xan = 1
- Jaheira = 1
- Safana = 1
- Unknown = 2
- Skie = 3
- Shar-Teel = 2
- Xan = 1
- Unknown = 6
- Jaheira = 5
- Unknown = 7
- Skie = 4
- Eldoth = 2
- Tiax = 1
- Unknown = 5
No Interactions
- Khalid = 2
- Kivan = 1
- Garrick = 1
- Edwin = 1
- Unknown = 5
- Yeslick = 6
- Unknown = 6
- Jaheira = 2
- Kivan = 2
- Branwen = 1
- Montaron/Xzar = 2
- Edwin = 1
- Kagain = 1
- Unknown = 4
- Viconia = 8
- Ajantis = 1
- Xan = 1
- Khalid = 2
- Branwen = 1
- Quayle = 1
- Xzar = 1
- Tiax = 1
- Dynaheir = 1
- Garrick = 1
- Safana = 1
- Unknown = 2
- Xzar = 1
- Unknown = 8
- Tiax = 3
- Garrick = 1
- Xan = 1
- Kivan = 1
- Unknown = 1
- Minsc = 1
- Edwin = 1
- Coran = 4
- Kivan = 2
- Unknown = 6
- Eldoth = 5
- Unknown = 7
- Eldoth = 5
- Garrick = 2
- Unknown = 4
- Quayle = 3
- Garrick = 1
- Unknown = 5
- Dynaheir = 1
- Kivan = 2
- Shar-Teel = 1
- Eldoth = 4
- Ajantis = 2
- Alora = 1
- Quayle = 1
- Kivan = 1
- Khalid = 1
- Edwin = 1
- Unknown = 4
- Montaron = 4
- Unknown = 2
- Kagain = 1
- Unknown = 10
There are many missing below but these are the bulk of the banters available. If you've come across any of the following unknown identities, just list the number (e.g. 1?, 20?, 100?) and which NPC the quote was directed to. There might be lines directed to more than one NPC that are not listed below too. Also if you've come across something not listed, then feel free to make a note of it. For example, I could have sworn that Viconia has some dialogue towards Xan.
I've posted this list to show what it takes to trigger off certain banters and which NPCs were designed to talk to whom.
*Edwin, Minsc, Quayle and Tiax, with I think Skie, Viconia and Shar-Teel all seem to have a habit of thinking aloud. So they will be talkative without necessarily having an NPC to talk directly to.
Ajantis's Lines
Kivan = "You're a man of honor, I respect your integrity.”
Branwen = "You are a most beautiful lady, Miss."
1? = "Your actions fly in the face of everything Helm holds sacred!"
2? = "There is naught but good and evil. I suspect you are of the latter."
3? = "Evil must be purged wherever it is found... even among companions!"
4? = "The stench of evil clings to you in the most... VILE manner!"
5? = "I can bear no more! Raise your weapon and defend yourself!"
6? = "I may yet still be a Squire, but I possess more integrity than you could ever hope for!"
Reply to 8? = "You will watch your MOUTH around the fairer sex!”
Reply to 9? = "I thank you for your compliment."
Reply to 10? = "I think it would be wise for you to improve your conduct while in this party!"
On 11?’s Death: "It is unfortunate that our companion died before he could recant his ways."
Alora's Lines
Edwin = "So you're a mage? I knew a mage once, but he was pretty stuffy! You're not like that..."
Edwin = "Smile more often, Edwin, it looks good on you!"
Edwin = "Well everyone is basically decent, once you get them to unwrinkle their faces."
Edwin’s Death = "Poor Edwin. He was just learning how to loosen up."
Garrick = "Play your song again, Garrick. That one I like, pleeeeeeeeeeeease!"
Minsc = "Ohh! It's just the cutest little hamesty wampsty! Who's a fuzzy boo?"
Xan = "I've heard if you go too long without smiling, your face will crack!"
Xan = "It must be hard work to be NEGATIVE all the time!"
Reply to Xan = "You needn't be so mean! I'm nice to YOU!"
Reply to Xan = "Oooh! Someone needs a tickle! Someone needs a tickle! Smile already! Yeesh!"
Reply to Xan = "Why must you be such a grumpy pus! Cheer up!"
Reply to 18? = "You are mean mean mean! No wonder people don't like you!"
Branwen's Lines
Ajantis = "You are a strong warrior, I respect that."
Shar-Teel = "Shar-Teel seems to have more spine than a lot of the MEN in this party."
Shar-Teel = "You are valiant of action, Shar-Teel. A pity your spirit is mismatched."
Shar-Teel's Death = "'Tis a shame to lose such an accomplished warrior."
Reply to Khalid or Kivan = "Thank you for your kind words."
20? = "Stay well clear of me you foul-speaking Heretic!"
21? = "Tempus would guide your wayward soul, if you let him."
22? = "May Tempus one day show you the error of your ways."
23? = "You shame this party by your mere presence."
25? = "In a war of virtues, thou art an art."
Reply to 26? = "I do not take such insults lightly."
Reply to 28? = "Do not mock me!"
Coran's Lines
Safana = "Safana, you are full of such subtle wit and charm."
Safana = "Sometimes, Safana, I find myself attracted to you, despite your shallow spiteful demeanor."
Safana = "You've been dominating my thoughts recently, Safana. It's distracting my work."
Reply to Safana = "If you weren't such a self-serving wench... I don't think I'd find you half as attractive."
Reply to Safana = "Admit it, Safana, you sometimes find me to your liking."
Reply to Safana = "You are rather uncouth today."
Safana's Death = "I wish we had more time to know each other, Safana."
Any Female = "You have the most beautiful...uh...eyes."
Any Female/Viconia= "A fine figure like yours shouldn't be risked in an occupation such as adventuring."
30? = "A more beautiful girl I don't think I've laid eyes on."
Reply to 32? = "I don't appreciate your humor."
Reply to 33? = "I accept your compliments."
Dynaheir's Lines
Reply to Edwin = "Evil to thy cause? Perhaps. However, those of decent nature know otherwise."
Minsc = "Ull... Must thou keep that rodent so close? 'Tis surely unclean."
Minsc = "Stand easy Minsc. Thy needs not be so motherly."
Minsc's Death = "Minsc! Minsc... his mighty berserker wrath will not go unremembered."
Reply to Viconia = "Thou art fluent in compliments. Some might say Effluent."
34? = "I'll thank thee to remain upwind. 'Tis hard to cast spells while I gag."
Reply to 35? = "Any protection would be courtesy not necessity, my power is no less than thine."
Reply to 36? = "Thou shalt not question my will once I present thy neck to the Orth Lor (??)"
Reply to 37? = "I pray thee did not kiss thy mother with that mouth."
Reply to 38? = "Thou art right indeed. After my own heart."
Reply to 39? = "Thy decency is refreshing. So many we meet are... lacking."
Edwin's Lines
Alora = "Her company is refreshing, but I am surprised I find it so."
Alora = "No harm shall come to her as I yet live."
Reply to Alora = "'Tis welcome you find no fault with one such as I."
Reply to Alora = "Your words please, though I know not their motive..."
Reply to Dynaheir = "This witch deceives you with her lies! I tell you she is evil!"
Reply to Dynaheir = "There is no protection if you goad me further, witch!"
Dynaheir's Death = "Checkmate! At last the witch dies!"
Reply to Xan, Jaheira or Safana = "Watch your words when addressing me lest they be fed to you on the end of my boot."
Reply to 45? = "This group be a damned sight better off without you!"
Reply to 46? = "Typical response... I wonder if they will prove useful at all..."
Eldoth's Lines
Skie = "Skie, my little angel, a woman should know her place."
Reply to Skie = "Skie don't bother me right now."
Reply to Skie = "Be silent Skie! It's not like your opinion is worth anything..."
Shar-Teel = "Shar-Teel your lot in life is to make cookies and bear children. Now shut up."
Shar-Teel = "The wench had it coming."
Xan = "You must be the most uninteresting person I have the honor of knowing."
48? = "Perhaps we could talk over wine tonight. I've never met a lady such as you, and I'm desirous to know you better."
Reply to 49? = "Stop your whining, wench."
Reply to 50? = "Your wit is somewhat lacking."
Reply to 51? = "I knew that."
Reply to 52? = "Don't try my patience."
Reply to 53? = "Try to keep quiet and speak only when spoken to."
Faldorn's Lines:
Jaheira = "You are a fool, Jaheira, to think that Man can live with nature and not destroy it."
Jaheira = "You dilute our order with your compassionate attitude."
Jaheira = "One day woman, you and I will settle our differences."
Jaheira = "Jaheira. Your choice of a mate suits your weakling nature."
Jaheira's Death = "Her poisonous influence has been ended."
54? = "It's time I rid our fellowship of your... unwholesome influence."
Reply to 55? = "I... I don't know why you speak to me so!"
Reply to 56? = "I have no quarrel with you. Please, don't create one."
Reply to 57? = "I thank you."
Reply to 58? = "You have more wisdom than the others give you credit for."
Reply to 59? = "I am glad to adventure with one who respects our Oak Father's kingdom."
Reply to 60? = "Your shallow regard for nature sickens me!"
Garrick's Lines:
Skie = "Perhaps you'd care to hear my music, Skie. It's very different and somewhat better than Eldoth's."
Skie = "Why do you stay with Eldoth, Skie? Can't you see that he's just using you?"
Skie = "A girl of beauty is a joy forever."
Skie's Death = "No! Why her? She didn't deserve this."
Eldoth = "Don't speak to Skie that way, Eldoth; she deserves better."
Eldoth = "My music is superior to yours, Eldoth; I was taught at the college in Verdusk."
Tiax = "I think you need to learn some manners."
61? = "I think you're an honorable person."
62? = "I don't remember knowing a more caring person."
Reply to 63? = "Thank you so very much for your most gracious compliment."
Reply to 64? = "I don't know what I did to deserve THAT."
Reply to 65? = "It takes two to make a quarrel."
Imoen's Lines:
Jaheira's Lines:
Khalid = "Khalid my dear, 'twould take a sailor to untie that tongue."
Khalid's Death = "Blast it Khalid! You die! I swear you'll never hear the end of it!"
Kivan or Garrick = "Seldom do I find so little fault with someone. I hope it lasts."
Reply to Edwin = "You are ... amusing. In a what-the-hell is wrong with you kind of way."
66? = "Do you claim to fight evil while you are diabolic yourself?"
67? = "I know nothing of gold, but you are nearly Zhentish in spirit. Zshh, 'tis disgusting."
69? = "Keep your distance. I doubt your motives are as you claim."
Reply to 70? = "You demonstrate your own pettiness. It saves me the trouble so I take no offense."
Reply to 71? = "Ah ah... careful. Ground tongue makes excellent fertilizer, especially with what you're spewing."
Reply to 72? = "Is grass not made of blades? Do stars not shoot? Nature be well armed and demands so of her servants."
Kagain's Lines:
Yeslick = "You're the stupidest dwarf I've ever met! You're an embarassment to dwarves everywhere!"
Yeslick = "Yeslick, your stupid mine is what started all this trouble!"
Reply to Yeslick = "Yeslick, shut your lousy mouth and get out of my face!"
Reply to Yeslick = "You're an imbecile Yeslick! If you piss me off one more time, I'm going to rip your head off!"
Reply to Yeslick = "You lousy excuse for a dwarf! I'm going to rip you a new arse!"
Yeslick's Death = "Stupid dwarf was going to die sooner or later."
74? = "Altruistic moron..."
Reply to 75? = "You should shut up."
Reply to 76? = "Keep on talking that way, and I'm going to stuff your mouth full of horse dung!"
Reply to 77? = "Shut up and show me the money!"
Reply to 78? = "Are you some kind of a moron? What did you think you was doing?"
Reply to 79? = "Ya dolt! Shut yer trap before it gets ya into trouble!"
Khalid's Lines:
Jaheira = "Please! Jaheira! You needn't be so so... uh."
Jaheira's Death = "Ja-Jaheira! No! Noooooooo!"
Kivan or Branwen = "Your company is a welcome part of this group."
Montaron/Xzar = "Usually everyone proves themselves, but there is something... disturbing about you."
Montaron/Xzar/Kagain/Edwin = "I don't mean to be confrontational, but could you be a little less... evil?"
Reply to Kivan = "Oh.. uh... Thank you!"
81? = "I had thought none could be so beyond the b-bounds of goodness! Surely you need h-help!"
Reply to 84? = "Sharpen your tongue elsewhere. Everyone deserves a chance."
Reply to 85? = "You ... must you continually....?"
Reply to 87? = "Your honesty is refreshing, but lace it well with tact."
Kivan's Lines:
Viconia = "Stay away from me, Dark Elf!"
Viconia = "How are we to trust one who venerates the Spider Queen?"
Viconia = "Your evil ways will bring you ruin, Dark Elf!"
Viconia = "Don't make me warn you again Drow, your next slip will be your last!"
Reply to Viconia = "You dark hearted bitch! You'll die for that!"
Reply to Viconia = "Watch what you say!"
Reply to Viconia = "Shut your mouth!"
Viconia's Death = "May Viconia's soul rot in Hell!"
Reply to Ajantis or Xan or Khalid = "Your candor is appreciated."
Khalid = "You are a valuable companion."
Khalid or Branwen = "Your courage shames the others."
Quayle/Xzar/Tiax = "Shut up! Your chattering will drive us all insane!"
Minsc's Lines:
Dynaheir's Death = "Dynaheir! Noooo! You will be avenged!"
Garrick = "Play on Bard, tis sweet music to my furry friend!"
Reply to Safana = "I take no offense from your comments. You just don't understand the bond I have with Boo."
91? = "Boo does not like your manner... away with you!"
Reply to 92? = "Your words are as sharp as my blade, although not half as shiny. Ooh... shiny!"
Montaron's Lines:
Xzar's Death = "And the mad wizard falls! Saves me the trouble."
93? = "Keep yer distance ye goodie goodie. I no like the smell of charity."
94? = "Good or bad, ye'll go the way of all flesh."
95? = "'Tis a wonder ye've lived as long as ye have!"
Reply to 96? = "Do ye truly want your last words to be SO STUPID?"
Reply to 97? = "Do not make light of me! My purpose is greater than you could imagine!"
Reply to 98? = "Your wit be as sharp as my blade! Do we exchange jabs? Or will ye cease your prattle?"
Reply to 99? = "Mayhap we should just be friendly more, and go for tea."
Reply to 100? = "Ye live longer if ye don't annoy me. Mayhaps even a week or more."
Quayle's Lines:
Tiax = "Ruler of the world, Hmmm? Only if chosen by virtue of an uncluttered mind!"
Tiax = "Indeed you grow GRANDER by the moment. Although how a Fat Head will help, I do not know."
Tiax's Death = "Ah Tiax! If any had asked I would have said that you were too dumb to live!"
Garrick = "Mind not what others say, the intelligent enjoy your music regardless."
Reply to Xan = "You don't expect me to belive that. I'm too smart for your hidden insults."
Reply to Kivan = "OoooOooh! Insult me again! Only this time use your brain!"
Reply to 103? = "Who taught this chimp to talk? What they can't do these days!"
Safana's Lines:
Minsc/Edwin = "My feet are very sore, perhaps you could massage them?"
Reply to Coran = "I assume, Coran, that you think that your elven charms are considerably. Let me enlighten you, they aren't!"
Reply to Coran = "Watch what you say, Elf!"
Reply to Coran = "I might find you attractive, Coran, if you weren't so irritating."
Coran's Death = "Don't die silly elf. I didn't mean all the things I said!"
Kivan = "You're a very sexy man."
Kivan = "I'd love to see what... other skills you posess."
Reply to 106? = "I love it when you speak to me that way!"
Reply to 107? = "You have about as much appeal as a rotting owl bear!"
Reply to 108? = "You think that I'd surrendur myself to the likes of you? That's a laugh!"
Reply to 109? = "I like it when you are nasty to me."
Reply to 110? = "You could be... somewhat more creative in your insults."
Reply to 111? = "Oh I always love a good compliment."
Shar-Teel's Lines:
Eldoth = "Eldoth you're a impudent degenerate lout who has delusions of male superiority."
Reply to Eldoth = "Say another word, Eldoth, and I'll cut out your tongue."
Reply to Eldoth = "Your impudence will one day get you killed, Eldoth."
Reply to Eldoth = "Watch your mouth Eldoth, or I'll end your life where you stand."
Reply to Eldoth = "You were warned Eldoth, now reap the consequences!"
112? = "Useless male dungheap."
113? = "I spit on your manhood!"
114? = "Don't think yourself second to any man!"
Reply to 115? = "Flattery will get you nowhere."
Reply to 116? = "*laughs* You're such a funny man! That's why I'm going to kill you last."
Reply to 117? = "How would you like my sword tickling your innards?"
118?'s Death = "The swine had it coming."
Skie's Lines:
Eldoth = "Eldoth, why do you treat our companions so badly?"
Eldoth = "I love you... Eldoth."
Eldoth = "Why do you always have to make fun of me? I hate you! Get away from me!"
Eldoth = "Eldoth tell them to stop being so cruel!"
Eldoth's Death = "What am I going to do? You can't die, Eldoth, you can't!"
Garrick = "I'd love to hear your music Garrick."
Garrick = "Eldoth is a kind man. He cares about me, Garrick!"
119? = "You're a good friend."
120? = "I feel safe with you in the party."
121? = "I think you're a beautiful person."
Reply to 122? = "Thank you, you're very kind."
Tiax's Lines:
Quayle = "Where will your learning get you when Tiax rules? Duke of Manure at best!"
Quayle = "Sure ye be smart, but none are grander than Tiax!"
Quayle's Death = "Ha ha ha ha! Smart guy dies! And Tiax goes on to RULE!"
Reply to Garrick = "Give thy tongue a holiday! Tiax so commands!"
Reply to 123? = "Thou wouldst mock me? Ye stiff rumped fool!"
Reply to 124? = "*weird noises* Tiax and his greatness shall squash you as a bug you *weird noises* insolent bug!"
Reply to 125? = "Your insults carry little sting. Tiax knows he will rule in the end."
Reply to 126? = "You cup shot mutton head! Tiax will slap ya silly! When he rules."
Reply to 127? = "Aw, your goals are petty in comparison to the wonder of Tiax!"
Viconia's Lines:
Dynaheir/Shar-Teel = "You are one of the among us whom I can respect."
Reply to Kivan = "Don't threaten me, Kivan, it shall only lead to your death!"
Kivan's Death = "It is sad that Kivan and I never understood each other."
Xan's Lines:
Eldoth = "Eldoth! Could you stand away from me? The stench is somewhat unnerving!"
Eldoth = "Perhaps, Eldoth, you could be a little more polite to our companions?"
Eldoth = "You could do us all a favor, Eldoth, by getting KILLED in the next battle!"
Eldoth's Death = "I would grieve for Eldoth, if it were not for the sense of joy I now feel!"
Ajantis = "Have you ever wondered how... hollow your convictions sound, Ajantis?"
Ajantis = "It seems our resident Suicide Monger, Ajantis, lives in a black and white world!"
Kivan or Khalid or CHARNAME = "Around you I almost feel as if we have a chance!"
Alora/Quayle/Edwin = "Your stupidity makes you a DOOMED MAN."
129? = "Well, with you as my companion, who needs enemies?"
Reply to 131? = "If I wanted your opinion I would have asked for it."
Reply to 132? = "I hope what you say was well intentioned."
Reply to 133? = "Do not think I will endure your insults indefinately."
Xzar's Lines:
Montaron = "Tell us a story, Monty, something with Bears and Gold."
Montaron = "Ha ha there Montaron. Quite the fight, eh, Chum?"
Montaron = "Oh, come on Montaron lighten up! Must you be so moody all the time?"
Montaron's Death = "Montaron... I ... I never loved you!"
Reply to 134? = "Oh speak no more, lest ye gorge my sweet tooth."
Reply to 135? = "I'll not be mocked, thou most slanderous harlot!"
Yeslick's Lines:
Kagain's Death = "I wish no Dwarf dead, but I'll not miss his company!"
136? = "'Twould be good if you tithed a few golds now and then. The favor of gods is worth a few gold."
137? = "You sold your morays for the love of gold. All Dwarves are kin, but I'll not call you family!"
138? = "Friendships last when gold is long gone. Perhaps you should be a little nicer to the group!"
139? = "I've been through enough without suffering you as well. Be gone!"
140? = "Watch what ye say. Good natured, I am. But I swing a mean axe when evil's concerned."
141? = "We fight for what's right, but you needn't take such pleasure in it!"
142? = "Violence solves only the simplest of problems. You must think your way through the tough ones."
143? = "A friendly face is a blessed sight in these times."
144? = "Your ego is positively elven. Drop it a notch, lest I do it for you!"
Reply to 145? = "Thine words are always appreciated."
Banter Totals:
- Kivan = 1
- Branwen = 1
- Unknown = 10
- Edwin = 4
- Minsc = 1
- Garrick = 1
- Xan = 5
- Unknown = 1
- Ajantis = 1
- Shar-Teel = 3
- Khalid = 1
- Kivan = 1
- Unknown = 7
- Safana = 7
- Any Female = 2
- Unknown = 3
- Edwin = 1
- Minsc = 3
- Viconia = 1
- Unknown = 6
- Alora = 4
- Dynaheir = 3
- Xan = 1
- Jaheira = 1
- Safana = 1
- Unknown = 2
- Skie = 3
- Shar-Teel = 2
- Xan = 1
- Unknown = 6
- Jaheira = 5
- Unknown = 7
- Skie = 4
- Eldoth = 2
- Tiax = 1
- Unknown = 5
No Interactions
- Khalid = 2
- Kivan = 1
- Garrick = 1
- Edwin = 1
- Unknown = 5
- Yeslick = 6
- Unknown = 6
- Jaheira = 2
- Kivan = 2
- Branwen = 1
- Montaron/Xzar = 2
- Edwin = 1
- Kagain = 1
- Unknown = 4
- Viconia = 8
- Ajantis = 1
- Xan = 1
- Khalid = 2
- Branwen = 1
- Quayle = 1
- Xzar = 1
- Tiax = 1
- Dynaheir = 1
- Garrick = 1
- Safana = 1
- Unknown = 2
- Xzar = 1
- Unknown = 8
- Tiax = 3
- Garrick = 1
- Xan = 1
- Kivan = 1
- Unknown = 1
- Minsc = 1
- Edwin = 1
- Coran = 4
- Kivan = 2
- Unknown = 6
- Eldoth = 5
- Unknown = 7
- Eldoth = 5
- Garrick = 2
- Unknown = 4
- Quayle = 3
- Garrick = 1
- Unknown = 5
- Dynaheir = 1
- Kivan = 2
- Shar-Teel = 1
- Eldoth = 4
- Ajantis = 2
- Alora = 1
- Quayle = 1
- Kivan = 1
- Khalid = 1
- Edwin = 1
- Unknown = 4
- Montaron = 4
- Unknown = 2
- Kagain = 1
- Unknown = 10
Post edited by Mordeus on
128- I have heard Xan say this to both Alora and Quayle. Quayle always responded to it with 102, Alora always responded with 16. couldn't help but laugh when he said it to Alora, I was just all like Xan you dink Alora isn't a man
Here are a few more. I remember more than this but unfortunately some of them I can't remember who I heard it said to. I am fairly sure some are used towards multiple people.
First of all, Kivan's "your candor is appreciated" isn't just used toward Ajantis. I have heard him say this to both Xan and Khalid, as a response to 130 and 83.
17 is part of a banter with Xan, from what I remember.
I am p. sure 19 is directed at Xan as well.
27 is either a response to 83 or 89, I don't remember which. I'm leaning towards 83 though.
90 is not a reply. It is said to Quayle. I believe Quayle responds with 101, but I could be wrong about that part.
102, I have only ever heard as a response to Xan.
I've heard Coran say 31 to MULTIPLE female characters, and I know he'll say it to a female CHARNAME too, at least I assume the character is talking to CHARNAME when they're clearly addressing someone and nobody else responds.
41 and 42 are Edwin talking to himself about Alora.
44- Fairly sure this is a reply to 'smile more often, Edwin' from Alora.
12 is to Edwin, he responds with 40.
I have heard Xan say 130 to Kivan, Khalid, and CHARNAME.
I think I have heard Kivan say both 88 AND 89 to Khalid. Khalid responds to both with 86.
83- I believe I've heard it said to both Kivan and Branwen.
47 is part of a banter with Xan.
These quotes I omitted from Viconia's list because DSimpson had them as non-Banter but I suspect that she might use them against Kivan or Xan.
"I pity you for your short lifespan."
"I was born of a noble race."
"Shar is a goddess of conviction and purpose."
I think Xan counters her with 129 or 133. But it's only speculation on my part.
I've saved a copy of the original thread with all the numbers still in tact, so references to old numbers will make sense to me. But later on I'm going to re-number all unknowns and known dialogue to make things a little easier.
And her 13? I think I actually remember that being a reply to Edwin as well. I might be wrong, though.
Here are my contributions:
7. Ajantis says that to Branwen.
24. Branwen says that to Ajantis.
29. I have heard this thrown at Viconia but it could be all females for all I know.
43. He throws this at several naysayers, including Xan, Jaheira, and Safana at the very least.
68. I have heard her say this to both Kivan and (surprisingly) Garrick.
73. Jaheira says this to Edwin. (I'm not a big fan of Jaheira but man that line is hilarious)
82. Khalid says this to every evil person, I'm almost sure ... I've heard it said to Xzar, Montaron, Kagain, and Edwin.
Kivan towards Quayle: He also says this to Xzar and Tiax.
Safana to Minsc: She also says this to Edwin.
104 and 105. Both towards Kivan.
Viconia towards Dynaheir: She also says this to Shar-Teel.
Xan towards Alora or Quayle: He also says this to Edwin.
[[99. Okay I'm mad curious about this one... Who does Monty actually like?]]
- "Live smart, live long, run away!"
- "I am so Smart! S, M, R, T... I mean S, M, A, R, T!"
- "Shake a paw, come on, shake a paw!"
- "Feel my amazing brain! Go on, touch it!"
- "I wile away the hours, conferring with the flowers, consulting with the rain."
- "Oh yeah? Well I've got more smarts in my little finger than you've got in your little finger! No, wait a minute..."
- "Violence is a trademark of LOW INTELLIGENCE."
- "Well I certainly would have handled THAT better!"
- "If you were smarter, you'd enjoy my company more."
- "If you need any help, you know, thinking, just let me know! I'm here to help!"
Now that I look back on them, alot of them seem to be banter lines. Especially the 6th line.
@Quartz: I too wonder what could inspire Montaron to say that.
Xan's line 131 is a reply to Viconia, after she says something to him, I don't remember it, but is not listed to her lines.
Edit - it just popped up ingame and it is: "In the Underdark, you would be fodder for the kuo toa".