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Intro movie lag

FrosthernheimFrosthernheim Member Posts: 6
edited December 2012 in Not An Issue
So, no one else is having this one? I'm having this on 2 different laptops, one is ye olde intel laptop that I just tossed in to the garbage, and the other one is brand new amd based laptop. Still, the problem is the same. Intro movie lags so, so bad. And no, I didn't copy the files from my old computer in to the new one.
Post edited by Balquo on


  • Space_hamsterSpace_hamster Member Posts: 950
    Perhaps you need to update your drivers, is all software up-to-date?
    Could also be that the processor simply isn't fast enough to decode it.
  • FrosthernheimFrosthernheim Member Posts: 6
    Drivers all clear, maybe the processor? let me do some testing and I'll post the results. When running on battery this really cuts juice from CPU .
  • FrosthernheimFrosthernheim Member Posts: 6
    Huh... pluggin in the charger made all the difference.. Who would have thought? Okay this discussion can be deleted now.
  • Space_hamsterSpace_hamster Member Posts: 950
    Ah, it was throttling down your CPU to save battery power I bet. ;)
  • FrosthernheimFrosthernheim Member Posts: 6
  • AlmreyAlmrey Member Posts: 3
    Do you think that it is possible that my needing a new battery (even though I'm plugged in) is causing my video lag?
  • FrosthernheimFrosthernheim Member Posts: 6
    Probably not. And I still HAVE the lag, it's just not as bad as when running just with the battery. There's just not enough power in the CPU, even though it fills the requirements... 1,7 ghz dualcore AMD something, so should be enough.
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