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[BUG] Missing interface buttons

LeoherbieLeoherbie Member Posts: 6
edited January 2013 in Not An Issue
I'm running into a bug where all the buttons, on the left side other than the pause button, disappear. This means the only way I can get to things such as map, inventory, quicksave, etc is by doing a long tap on a character portrait. When I do this the button show up upon entering the character screen. The first time I ran into this bug it mysteriously went away. This time it is not going away. Any ideas. I'm on an iPad A1430 with iOS 6.
Post edited by Jalily on


  • Chromatic5Chromatic5 Member Posts: 30
    edited December 2012
    There is a tiny red button, looks like a gem, which is above both the left and right panes. Clicking this minimizes those panes. Clicking it again (now it is at bottom) should unhide the pane and you'll see it again.
  • LeoherbieLeoherbie Member Posts: 6
    Oh wow I must have missed that. Hmmm maybe that interface element could be made more prominent. I usually don't think of myself novice user but obviously this escaped me. Thanks again for the feedback!
  • Chromatic5Chromatic5 Member Posts: 30
    No problem! Only reason I knew about it was because it was in the original bg. Agreed, it isn't very straight forward.
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