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Multiverse RPG Party!

A simple enough question "If you could make a party of six from characters from any RPG to explore the multiverse on a Spelljammer who would they be?"

Just a few rules to this before you post.

1: 2 per game. It not much a multiverse party if it was a whole party made from the Final Fantasy 7 gang. Character from game sequels are fine so long as they are different ones (I.E no ME1 Garrus, ME2 Garrus and ME3 Garrus in one party.)

2: No OCs. A whole party of your own character sound fun. But I've never heard of them or know what they are like. So it make it hard to try and picture how things would go.

3: When I say any RPG I mean ANY. That mean Star Wars, Final Fantasy and even Sonic (Yes there was a Sonic RPG, weird) heck I'd even let you get away with games that don't really count as RPG if you can find a way to justify it.

4: No gods, all powerful beings or Raid Bosses. Yeah yeah it funny to have Deathwing, Harbinger and Bhaal in your party but they need to be exploring in a Spelljammer...I don't think the Aspect of Death and a Reaper are gonna be able to fit inside one together.

That all the rules I can think of. Also if you can somehow make a picture of your multiverse party or their Spelljammer, that would be awesome.


  • alannahsmithalannahsmith Member Posts: 143
    edited December 2012
    Chell, Gordon Freeman, Link, Chrono, Corvo Attano, and Red. Most awkward party to adventure with ever! :P
  • CaptRoryCaptRory Member Posts: 1,660
    Ness and Paula from EarthBound.
    Commander FemShep from Mass Effect.
    Neera and Minsc from BG.
    Spike from The Twisted Tales of Spike McFang.

    And I'm taking the protagonist from RoboTrek as an alternate if someone is PermaKilled or if the party starts killing eachother.
  • NukeninNukenin Member Posts: 327
    Geralt of Rivia (the Witcher), Sogg Mead Mugg (Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura), Mazzy Fentan (Baldur's Gate II), Iolo FitzOwen (Ultima), Mortimer "Morte" Rictusgrin (Planescape: Torment), Arcade Israel Gannon (Fallout: New Vegas).

    All six characters on a spelljammer: --> . (seen from a considerable distance away)
  • RiolathelRiolathel Member Posts: 330
    edited December 2012
    Auron(ff10), Link(Ocarina of time), Serana(skyrim:dawnguard), Leon Belmont(Castlevania:Lament of innocence), Legolas(any of the LotR games), Adam Jensen (deus ex: HE)

    Their classes

    Auron- 2h wielding Beserker
    Serana - Fighter/mage with dagger specializiation
    Leon Belmont - Fighter/cleric
    Legolas - Archer subclass (OF COURSE)
    Link - Bard :)
    Adam Jensen - Changed from Swashbuckler to Assassin cus he always uses stealth for melee kills

    Post edited by Riolathel on
  • SublimeBWSublimeBW Member Posts: 42
    edited December 2012
    A throw back to my youth RPG experience with Square games.

    Square Allstars
    -Fighter/Mage: Terra Branford (FFVI)
    -Combat Druid: Fei Fong Wong (human form) / Weltall-2 (shapeshift) (Xenogears)
    -Paladin (or Blackguard): Cecil Harvey (FFIV)
    -Thief: Kid (Chrono Cross)
    -Mage/Cleric: Sprite/Popoie (Secret of Mana)
    -???: Slime (Dragon Quest)
  • The_New_RomanceThe_New_Romance Member Posts: 839
    I'm not sure about the first five, but my party would definitely include Dogmeat. Yeah.
  • IllustairIllustair Member Posts: 878
    edited December 2012
    1. Revan (Star Wars) - a genius tactician and strategist...and a really powerful and charismatic jedi. You can't go wrong with someone who's got the brains, the brawn, the charisma, and the Force. [group leader]
    2. Commander Sheppard (ME3) - for some reason, I'd feel much safer with him around; he just have a way with things, and he gets them done no matter how the odds stack up. He's Jack Bauer in steroids. [second-in-command]
    3. Batman (Batman: Arkham City) - too many exceptional abilities to list down. He's batman, enough said. The only reason he's not the leader is that he mostly prefers to go solo. [core member]
    4. Angel (Nexus: Jupiter Incident) - an AI similar to EDI but much more advanced. Pair her tech with batman and they'll be unstoppable. [tech expert]
    5. Elminster (FR games) - Final Fantasy characters are allowed, and they're overpowered; I can't see any reason why I can't allow Elminster in my group. At least, he's not uber DC Superman. We need someone extremely gifted in magic, but can still do decent hand-to-hand combat. [arcane sage]
    6. Ammon Jerro (Neverwinter Nights 2) - he's badass admit it. I'm not sure if we can trust him completely, but we have Batman anyway to keep an eye on him. But I guess we can trust him enough. [it-takes-a-dark-arts-expert-to-take-down-dark-arts-expert-enemies member]

    Extra member: Tyrion Lannister. He's funny and witty, he'll just remain within the halls of our base and not actually a "true group member" so may he not be counted in the 6 members limit. After all, it'll only be 6.4 members with him around.

    @elminster would you mind if I have you in my dream team?haha
    Post edited by Illustair on
  • PaheejPaheej Member Posts: 126
    edited December 2012
    MAN, this is actually a pretty cool forum question. I'll pick one from each of my favorite RPGS . . .

    #1: Thundergod Cid "Orlandu" from Final Fantasy Tactics, the greatest Strategy RPG of all time. You talk about some BADASSERY. This guy right has THUNDERGOD for his NAME. He carries the Excalibur which makes him auto-hasted and is clearly the most memorable character from the game. After all he was one of your father's best friends and single handley can manhandle enemy armies.

    #2: Minsc from Baldur's Gate I/II, from the greatest RPG of all time. I find it impossible to consider an RPG character more memorable than Minsc! BUTT KICKING FOR GOODNESS.

    #3 Zell from Final Fantasy VIII, which feature my favorite gameplay of the entire Final Fantasy Series. My god was his ultimate ability fun! You a pre-determined amount of time to enter pre-set combos as fast as you can. If your good you can do UNBELIEVABLE amounts of damage:

    #4: Laharl from Disgaea. Incredibly snarky? Check. Born to Rule? Check. Awesome laugh. Check. Yes Laharl may look like a kid - but he's awesome and is in one of the top Strategy RPGs of all time. I mean anyone who says "What fool dares awaken me, the great Laharl?" is probably awesome.

    #5: KOS-MOS - a cybernetic, emotionless, robot of destruction who happens to fight for the good side. Kills Aliens, shreds faces, cashes checks, and snaps necks. Not the best game ever but probably one of my favorite female characters ever (Lulu, from FFX, and Morrigan, from Dragon Age, being the only other ones close).

    #6: "The Kid" from Bastion. This is the greatest action RPG of all time. I loved Nox, Diablo II, and many other games. In the end the story of all those games pales in comparison and the gameplay in Bastion is FANTASTIC. "The Kid's" silent nature told emphatically by the old man who accompanies him results in the most memorable action RPG of all time. Plus he uses hammers, swords, cannons, mortars, gun, and bows. Dude uses a slew of great things.

    Hope everyone has as much fun making a list as I did. Great idea!
  • AllbrotherAllbrother Member Posts: 262
    I know you said no protagonists but some of them are really fleshed out so I'll go ahead and ignore you :)
    With that being said, here are my all stars:

    1.The Nameless One (Planescape Torment)

    2.Darth Revan (Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic)

    3.Jon Irenicus (Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of Amn)

    4.Edwin Odesseiron (Baldur's Gate saga)

    5.HK-47 (Star Wars: Knights of the old Republic)

    6.Geralt of Rivia (The Witcher)

    Oh boy, I think I'm drooling
  • LadyEibhilinRhettLadyEibhilinRhett Member Posts: 1,078
    edited December 2012
    1. Lyude (Baten Kaitos)

    2. Xan (Baldur's Gate)

    3. Lina Inverse (There WERE several RPG's made for the Slayers franchise, so this is TOTES legit, thanks~)

    4. Cecil (FFIV)

    5. Erandur (TESV: Skyrim)

    6. Esuna (7th Saga)

    . -c . This would totes be the most epic party ever and no one is gonna tell me otherwise. I should so draw them at some point. All part of the same party. Yeahhhhh! >:D

    Also @SublimeBW let me love you for playing Secret of Mana.
  • IllustairIllustair Member Posts: 878
    @Silchas Nice. I would have wanted to have Irenicus also, but I fear that he would eventually turn against the group.haha I assume he's "cured"?

    @Paheej Agreed. Orlandu is a great character alright

  • sirseorsirseor Member Posts: 19
    edited December 2012
    This IS an interesting question. So, for a balanced party. Too many good ones to choose!

    Darth Revan- as Group Leader, you need someone who can respond to problems in a variety of ways, and doesn't feel that combat is the only option. (Shepard as alternate leader)

    Garus (ME)- Sniper, you need somebody to do the ranged combat and take the headshots, and there aren't too many who can compete with Garus. (alternate HK-47)

    Sarevok- Melee Tank, Brutally strong, and able to take a tremendous beating. Somebody has to be able to kill anything that gets close. (alternate: Vhailor Ps:T suit of animated, vengeance seeking armor)

    The Nameless One- Sage, you need someone who can intuitively deal with all manner of bizaare and marvelous things and people, especially if you are exploring the multiverse. Few have a resume for “survived and understood weird crap” quite as strong as the Nameless One’s (Alternate: April Ryan from the Longest Journey, an adventure game, not an RPG, but she did a fine job of working in multiple universes and trying to solve everybody’s problems. She might appreciate having a bunch of people with swords and guns to make life easier.)

    Jon Irenicus: Mage, In a world of magic, you need a mage to help figure things out (or turn people into piles of dust) And Jon can do it better than most, he is also quite the philosopher, I imagine he and the Nameless One would have a lot to talk about. (Alternate: Tali Zora Vas Normandy, if you need help with tech instead of spells)

    Kealyn the Dove (NWN2 MotB)- as Healer/conscience, one of the more interesting good and noble characters I have seen in a game, powerhouse, not afraid to stand up to the gods themselves, and a genuinely kind, honest soul, someone needs to keep the party in line. (Honestly: With Revan, Sarevok/vhailor, Garrus/HK-47, and the Nameless One in a party, you NEED a conscience character in order to prevent either ruthless evil, or a probably-very-well-intentioned spree of vengeance and vigilantism from rampaging across the multiverse) And if the conscience is the only one who can keep everybody alive after their fights, it might work. (Alternate: Yuna from FFX, for similar reasons, actually if the party goes too evil/ruthless, maybe drop one of the others and have both. )

    EDIT: does anybody know how to add pictures to posts?

  • RiolathelRiolathel Member Posts: 330
    edited December 2012
    @paheej I was actually going to put orlandu in mine instead of Auron but i couldn't remember his name at the Time. He was always my favorite character in FFT

  • CaptRoryCaptRory Member Posts: 1,660
    @LadyEibhilinRhett I love Baten Kaitos! Lyude was my favorite character from that game!
  • ElectricMonkElectricMonk Member Posts: 599
    1. Dogmeat from Fallout 1 - can't go wrong with a loyal animal companion
    2. Rufie the (potentially) demonic dog from BG1 - seems like a b.a. dog
    3. Morte from Planescape: Torment - comic relief
    4. Kangaxx from BG2 - head only, we don't need him going all apocalypse on us, and I think he'd accentuate Morte's humor
    5. Hanharr from KOTOR: Sith Lords - Always useful to have a Wookie bounty hunter around
    6. Mario from Super Mario RPG - You never know when you're gonna need a plumber; also, Mario is well known for his famous head-stomp instakill attack

  • ElectricMonkElectricMonk Member Posts: 599
    sirseor said:

    EDIT: does anybody know how to add pictures to posts?

    @sirseor this is the format for putting images into your posts:

    <img src="full link to your image">
  • PantalionPantalion Member Posts: 2,137
    Two from each? Ookay.

    Kingdom Hearts (because I'm cheeky)
    1: Squall "Leon" Lionheart - Someone experienced at being a protagonist, walking around, and generally talking to everybody. The fact that Leon is a highly trained military leader (including leading squads of bizarrely independent child soldiers) and is already well used to Time Travel, Space Travel, and Dimensional Travel in general, which makes him the perfect choice for a leader of this little operation.
    2: Yuffie - Leon's buddy in the KH continuity, hopefully sufficient influence to lighten him up and get him to advance the plot.
    3: Millenia - Otherworldly mage with a temper and borderline sociapathic tendencies? Almost perfect for ensuring optimum amounts of chaos sown and sidequests unlocked.
    4: Mareg - Should get along well with Leon, since they share a lot of things in common, including a Murderous Moon and an affinity for space travel. Where Millenia is emotionally combustible, Mareg's down to earth, and badass, enough to sort out any problems that arise.
    Seiken Densetsu 3
    5: Hawk - Ninja Master, consumnate badass. Hawk's a good choice for party face if Leon isn't around, or is busy being silent and brooding.
    6: Lise - Dragon summoning blonde princess with a lance, good leadership material, but accustomed to working in a team, so a good second in command for the group.


    There can be only one Spelljammer:


    In AD&D classes, assuming "Half-Elf" or "Elf" unless otherwise stated (this tends to be synonymous with "Japanese RPG Protagonist" as far as I can tell, including the inability to grow facial hair), and kits, because I like kits.

    Leon: Kensai/Mage - His "armour" consists of a shirt and some belts, never uses a shield, and hits harder than anyone else as the main character, clearly gotta be a Kensai.
    Yuffie: Mage/Assassin - Assassin explains why she's so terrible at anything ninja related outside of hitting things really hard with a giant shuriken.
    Millenia: Conjurer/Cleric - Horny redhead rocking forth with supreme magical firepower. Why cleric? Spoilers.
    Mareg: "Half-Orc" Berserker - Swinging a greataxe for great justice between spouting words of epic wisdom.
    Hawk: Swashbuckler/Mage - Hawk never backstabs, ever, so Elven Chain wearing, Dual-Wielding Dagger Specialist it is.
    Lise: Fighter/Totemic Druid - This Princess rocks out with a Spear, buff Spells and summon magic.


    Actually that sounds rather entertaining. I may have me a Black Pits party.
  • RamasterRamaster Member Posts: 18
    edited December 2012
    - Idrial, the elf chick form LOTR 3rd Age (She has a power that lets her take two actions in a round and a power that targets any ally or herself. When the target dies, he/she immediately comes back to life with full HP/MP AND takes a turn right there! Talk about game breaking!)

    - Ezio Auditore da Firenze (What more can I say? stealth, melee and ranged combat, leadership, information gathering, alchemy, etc...)

    - Prince of Persia (PS 2 trilogy. Spectacular-melee-combatant-exceptionalle. Plus, he has time manipulation powers!)

    - Teferi from Magic: The Gathering (Super powered planeswalker who can plane shift ENTIRE CONTINENTS)

    - Hawke from DE 2 (I think the cannon character was a mage, so I'll go with mage. Great battlefield control, buffing and healing)

    - Legion from ME (He could clean up the Spelljammer from structural weaknesses... like windows!)I'll add the pics tonight

    Will add pics tonight.
  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    edited December 2012
    1. Noel Kreiss (Final Fantasy XIII-2)
    2. Connor Kenway (Assassin's Creed 3, Not even gonna try to type out his Mohawk name.)
    3. Kain Highwind (Final Fantasy IV)
    4. Cernd (Baldur's Gate 2)
    5. Kivan (Baldur's Gate)
    6. Princess Ashe (Final Fantasy XII)

    First and foremost, so many FF characters. Secondly, Cernd and Noel have the same voice actor, doing the same exact voice on the both of them. So, I figured it would be hilarious for them to meet up and be like "Oh. My. God. We have the same voice."

    Connor is in there because we need a hunky Assassin.

    Kain and Kivan are there because we need broody men!

    Lastly, Ashe is just there because I want her there. *Sagenod*

    Edit: Totes put the wrong roman numeral on that Final Fantasy.
    Post edited by SapphireIce101 on
  • NecroblivionNecroblivion Member Posts: 210
    Haer'Dalis (BG2), Coran (BG1), Zevran (DAO), Nym (IWD), Ignus (PST - because he's hot :P), and Geralt of Rivia (The Witcher).

    Their ship name will be "The Heart Breaker" :3
  • ChildofBhaal599ChildofBhaal599 Member Posts: 1,781
    Tali from mass effect- because I don't see her ever being replaced as my favorite character ever, even if the ending is never fixed and I never play again
    Command Shepard from mass effect- what can I say. I want his story to continue with tali. He would be my PC
    That brotherhood of steel follower from fallout new Vegas (I forgot the name)- new Vegas had the best characters Bethesda had ever made. I was surprised when they gave me sort of ME2 loyalty missions.
    dragonborn from skyrim- just because it would be epic
    Imoen- I really liked her from the start of bg. Also I need a thief
    Minsc- you just got to have minsc for his personality

    Keep in mind I am new to pc gaming. I got into it 2 years ago. Also, oblivion was my first rpg, so I missed a lot of good characters I could have included. This was actually hard except tali, imoen and minsc.I am getting my hands on old games I missed however, so I know what I missed. I like seeing the old, unlike much of the younger generation.
  • DaelricDaelric Member Posts: 266
    1. Commander Shepard
    2. Drizzt Do'Urden
    3. Gandalf the White
    4. Marcus Fenix
    5. Vault Dweller (Fallout 1)
    6. Rick Grimes
  • LadyEibhilinRhettLadyEibhilinRhett Member Posts: 1,078
    Hooray for other people who have played Baten Kaitos!
  • toanwrathtoanwrath Member Posts: 621
    edited December 2012
    1. Adelbert Steiner (FFIX)
    2. Jan Jansen w/ the Big Metal Unit (Baldur's Gate 2)
    3. Gaige the Mechromancer, who of course comes with D374-TP aka Deathtrap (Borderlands 2)
    4. The Forgemaster (unique Dwarven Centurion from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Dawnguard add-on)
    5. Master Chief (Halo)
    6. Forge (X-Men Legends 2: Rise of Apocalypse)

    So basically, it's a giant metal assault squad. For maintenance on the armor and machines we have Jan Jansen (inventor), Forge (inventor/Technopathy), Gaige (inventor) and Cortana happens to be in the Master Chief suit (AI Program). Jan Jansen uses his magic to give Steiner his magic Sword powers (in place of Vivi), and Forge supercharges The Forgemaster with a bunch of upgrades, even though he is already pretty tough with his Dwarven Metal shell. Also, Forge uses excess Dwarven metal to create some new weapons for Gaige's robot, a new sword and maybe armor for Steiner, and some new bullets for Master all works!!

    Sir Steiner:

    Jan Jansen w/ Big Metal Unit

    Gaige with D374-TP (Deathtrap)

    The Forgemaster

    Master Chief

    and Forge (I don't like this picture of him, but it's the one from the game that I know he is in)
  • SublimeBWSublimeBW Member Posts: 42

    3. Kain Highwind (Final Fantasy VI)

    COME ON! Kain is FFIV! Side note, if you played FFIV TAY You can have Pali/Dragoon Multiclass Kain

  • MedullaOblongataMedullaOblongata Member Posts: 434
    1. Garrus Vakarian
    2. Kasumi Goto
    3. Artemis Entreri
    4. Darth Maul
    5. The Gray Fox
    6. Tasslehoff Burrfoot
  • ARKdeEREHARKdeEREH Member Posts: 531
    edited December 2012
    I would create a party of my multiple playthrough characters from different games. In terms of NPCs this would include:

    1.) Viconia -5 playthroughs
    2.) Sendai - 3.5 playthroughs
    3.) Shiva (from Heroes of Might and Magic 3) - 3 playthroughs
    4.) Adrienne (from Heroes of Might and Magic 3) - 2 playthroughs
    5.) If she would count as an RPG character I might include Joana Dark (from Perfect Dark)

    Since all these characters have been through multiple playthroughs, they're significantly more powerful than they normally would be. Viconia, for example, has 460 HP. I didn't make that number up or anything, that's just the amount she earned by leveling up that many times. Shiva is a level 64 Barbarian in Heroes 3 and has the Cloak of the Undead King, which is a multi-piece artifact (like Crom Faeyre is multi-piece) in Heroes 3, that improves a characters Necromancy skill. Since Shiva isn't a necromancer, it gave her that skill. I've actually been thinking of somehow re-creating Shiva in Baldur's Gate using Near Infinity and/or Shadowkeeper.
  • toanwrathtoanwrath Member Posts: 621
    edited December 2012
    OMG yay someone else plays Heroes of Might and Magic 3!!!

    Also (not directed at you, this is more of a general thing), I didn't realize it was RPG characters only. Master Chief on my team can be replaced by any other cyborg/robotic entity from an RPG I suppose then.
  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    @SublimeBW - It appears that I was thinking about Final Fantasy VI instead of IV! Hah. Or maybe I'm slowly going dyslexic when it comes to my roman numerals! Fixing that one right now.
  • NukeninNukenin Member Posts: 327

    Tali from mass effect- because I don't see her ever being replaced as my favorite character ever, even if the ending is never fixed and I never play again
    Command Shepard from mass effect- what can I say. I want his story to continue with tali. He would be my PC
    That brotherhood of steel follower from fallout new Vegas (I forgot the name)- new Vegas had the best characters Bethesda had ever made. I was surprised when they gave me sort of ME2 loyalty missions.
    dragonborn from skyrim- just because it would be epic
    Imoen- I really liked her from the start of bg. Also I need a thief
    Minsc- you just got to have minsc for his personality

    Keep in mind I am new to pc gaming. I got into it 2 years ago. Also, oblivion was my first rpg, so I missed a lot of good characters I could have included. This was actually hard except tali, imoen and minsc.I am getting my hands on old games I missed however, so I know what I missed. I like seeing the old, unlike much of the younger generation.

    Veronica was the BoS follower from Fallout:NV. I loved her. Watching her punch opponents with the ballistic fist always made my gunslingers jealous.

    You may be new to PC gaming and PC RPGs but Baldur's Gate gives you bonus years of cred. :)
    toanwrath said:

    OMG yay someone else plays Heroes of Might and Magic 3!!!

    Also (not directed at you, this is more of a general thing), I didn't realize it was RPG characters only. Master Chief on my team can be replaced by any other cyborg/robotic entity from an RPG I suppose then.

    I've played HoMM3 (have it from GOG currently, but I miss my long-since-lost original box copies of the game and all its expansions bought as they came out, with all the printed manuals and beautiful full-color reference cards) but if the fate of the world depended on me remembering hero names from the game—well, we know how that'll sort out in ten days, now won't we?

    I don't mind seeing the inclusion of characters outside the narrower confines of strict RPGs. This is an entertaining thread, because it's nice to see folks exhibit their passion for gaming and share the memorable characters that they've enjoyed in this fun context.

    To replace Master Chief, go with Nordom from Planescape: Torment. He's mechanical, at least. :D
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