Multiplayer still crashing

in Multiplayer
My friend and i still crashing!
i have open all the ports and using hamachi, but when we enter in our game (i can host or he host, its the same) after 1-2 minutes we crash! Someone can suggest us what do for avoid this problem?
i have open all the ports and using hamachi, but when we enter in our game (i can host or he host, its the same) after 1-2 minutes we crash! Someone can suggest us what do for avoid this problem?
Patch update, run fresh clean game without any mod/addons host via Baldur's gate while port forwarding 47630 UDP when you are the host.
If that doesn't work. Back-up your legit characters files, Reinstall/Repair your game folder and try again.
If all of that failed then you made a mistake portforwarding your game and/or opening your firewall properly.
This game runs fine without Hamachi. It sounds like you or your friend are running a firewall. Perhaps a second firewall. Maybe anti-virus software. It took me 3 hours (3 am - 6 am) to figure out someone was running a second firewall when trying to get him to host the game, so that I could join him. His second firewall was connected to his anti-virus.
Post yours and your friend's computer specs. List any other programs that you and him are running besides the game.
Like Kodrak said.......back up your characters.
Example - C:\Users\Your computer name\Documents\Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition\characters
Me and my friend using Windows Firewall, but maybe we must check if we run some anti-virus that giving us hard time.
So you are saying me that we can play well also without using hamachi?
I will ask to my friend to send me his computer specs and post here for further advice.
Thank you very much for your help! We really want begin to play together