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[Feature Request] Graphics

I'd like to mention a couple of things that might improve the gameplay.
First, non-scaled GUI works only up to 1920x1200. It would be great if 2560x1600 is added. Another thing is setting up the max resolution for the game, for example, if a monitor is set to 2560x1600, the player can set the game max resolution to 1920x1200. This is very similar to how it was done in the original BG2 through the configurator.
Is it possible to make the worldmap screen change like the main game screen in non-scaled mode to make the map bigger? Right now both inventory and the map behave the same way - the size is not changed, which is OK for the inventory, but not for the map. That will help in the future in case of a new bigger BGEE worldmap mod.
I'll also second the opinion of having the configurable default zoom setting.
I hope this can be done.


  • ScuDScuD Member Posts: 112
    Guys, can anyone from the dev team confirm/refute that 2560x1600 resolution will be supported in some patch?
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