Rasaad immediately leaves the party once he joins.

I can repeat this process over and over again, but I am unable to keep him in my group. Am I doing something wrong? (I have tried at high and low reputation).
What chapter are you in? Does he say anything to you when he keeps leaving?
Only thing I can think of is you have a low rep.
At any rate, ttt
My charisma is 21, and I also thought my low rep might be the problem, so I experimented by donating until it was heroic, but got the same results.
1) Follow the link above that describes how to use the CLUA command to spawn a new Rasaad who will behave (you'll then have two, one still broken.)
2) Ask Rasaad to join and then immediately kill him. When you res him he'll behave. The problem with this one it's difficult to kill him quickly enough and he may die permanently if your difficulty setting is higher than Normal.
3) Ask Rasaad to join, pause the game straight away, save and quit the game. When you reload, his bugged conversation script should kick in as normal (which is what was causing the problem) and he will behave. [I've tested this method and can vouch that it works.]
FYI - I used "option 3" as it seemed the quickest and easiest. The only trick was the timing of pausing the game after selecting "1. Sure" in Rasaad's dialogue. Just took a couple tries and then pause, save, quit, load the save and all is well again.
I use a Japanese computer and keyboard, which means i do not have the key to get the cheat console, so I can not use any cheat console solutions.
option #2...he joins and quits so fast there is no way to kill him while he is still in party...I don't understand that one at all...seeems impossible.
Option #3 My pause key seems delayed for some bizaar reason (really clunky pause effect for me, don7t know why)...It simply is not possible for me to pause the game before he leaves the party, he leaves to fast...
Is there maybe some way to tweak config to slow down the GE or something so that I can pause/kill him before the bugged script removes him from party...its so friggin fast I can't do jack.
This bug REALLY sucks. I wish someone at BGEE dev. team would make a fix for this or something that we can download (patch). Its absolute BS actually. Because of this bug I can not see the new content and well...that kinda defeats the point of paying for the game which I already did....