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Streamlining the main menu

As of now, the main menu is inconvenient and requires a lot of redundant actions, specifically before being able to load a game.

Currently the game loads up with a campaign selection menu, which moves you to the "real" main menu (henceforth main menu), where you access the store, options et cetera. Not only is it inconvenient and counter-intuitive, it also annoyingly forces you to watch the cinematic every time you launch the game.

My proposal is:
-Start the game with the main menu screen
-Add the load game button to the main menu screen (there is one empty button anyway)
-Change the "back" button in the menu to a "credits" button
-Rename the "single player" button to "new game"
-Open the campaign selection screen when "new game", "load game" or "multiplayer" is selected
-In the campaign selection screen, change the "credits" button to a "back" button
-Upon selecting the campaign, play the video if the screen was opened via "new game"



  • iKrivetkoiKrivetko Member Posts: 934
    Bump ._.
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  • iKrivetkoiKrivetko Member Posts: 934
    The add-on adventures could always be added to the campaign selection menu, it's only natural.

    What isn't natural however, is having to watch the starting cinematic every time you want to continue a game. It's especially annoying on the iPad, where you have to wait a second or two before you can skip it.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    edited December 2012
    That's how it was in the original game, though. The opening cinematic played before you could start or load your game.

    The only thing that's different here is that before that cinematic plays, you get to choose which game you're going to play--The Black Pits, or the Sword Coast campaign.

    EDIT: And actually, that preliminary menu is really just replacing the launch-window that appeared when you opened baldur.exe in the original game.
  • iKrivetkoiKrivetko Member Posts: 934
    edited December 2012
    Yes, I do know that. That doesn't really make it a convenient decision, does it?:)

    The situation, I believe, is less dire on the pc, where you usually have no time and battery restraints and a fast way to skip the cinematic. These rules don't apply to the iPad, which is usually used for playing on the go, and every lost second and extra action distracts from the experience.
    Post edited by iKrivetko on
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    No, that's fair, and I've said similar things before (for similar reasons). I just felt the need to clarify the request, since it seemed as though you were describing new behavior, whereas what's actually taking place is no different from the way it was before.
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