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Move silently usefull?

Is the move silently skill usefull at all? I think for a thief only hide in shadows for backstabbing is usefull? Or do you need to invest points in move silently also?


  • alaundoalaundo Member Posts: 131
    This is really good info thx! And yeah some offical words on the topic would be nice indeed. Seems i will at least even out the scores on Imoen for some backstabbing fun ;)
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    Thanks @Ravel - this is helpful, though it's still not absolutely clear how Move silently/Hide in Shadows are used, it would be very useful to get some official clarification on this
  • WanderonWanderon Member Posts: 1,418
    edited December 2012
    Thought I read someplace that stealth check in BG:EE was made by adding the two component skills together and dividing by 2 then using that number for the stealth skill

    If so then 50 HIS and 30 MS would be the same as 40 in each.

    Ooops - appears that info was already mentioned above...
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,222
    I've read somewhere that HiS determines the ability to hide and MS determines the ability to stay hidden.

    Oh yes, here it is:

    Don't know what to think though, it would be really nice to have some official info...
  • WanderonWanderon Member Posts: 1,418
    Well if it's true that the numbers are averaged to do the check to get stealthed and that MS is the number checked to see if you stay stealthed then you could focus your points on MS and leave HiS at the opening level until MiS is way up there.
  • marfigmarfig Member Posts: 208
    Wanderon said:

    Well if it's true that the numbers are averaged to do the check to get stealthed and that MS is the number checked to see if you stay stealthed then you could focus your points on MS and leave HiS at the opening level until MiS is way up there.

    Indeed. This is usually the best strategy in BG1, if you wish to multiclass your thief, since there will be less points to distribute. It's also a good strategy for those thief kits which have a penalty to thief-like ability points.

    MS at 90 + HiS at 10 = 50% chance to enter stealth-mode and 90% of maintaining it.

    Since there will be hardly a time when you can't afford to keep hitting the stealth button until it succeeds, MS is the all powerful stealth skill in the game. HiS is largely irrelevant.
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    marfig said:

    Wanderon said:

    Well if it's true that the numbers are averaged to do the check to get stealthed and that MS is the number checked to see if you stay stealthed then you could focus your points on MS and leave HiS at the opening level until MiS is way up there.

    Indeed. This is usually the best strategy in BG1, if you wish to multiclass your thief, since there will be less points to distribute. It's also a good strategy for those thief kits which have a penalty to thief-like ability points.

    MS at 90 + HiS at 10 = 50% chance to enter stealth-mode and 90% of maintaining it.

    Since there will be hardly a time when you can't afford to keep hitting the stealth button until it succeeds, MS is the all powerful stealth skill in the game. HiS is largely irrelevant.
    *if* this is how it actually works...
  • marfigmarfig Member Posts: 208
    It has been confirmed to be how it works, @Oxford_Guy. Unfortunately never by the original developers, but by experimentation (which is as credible).

    What remains to unknown is the effect of light (if any) on HiS.
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