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Import character

Can I import my character from BG : EE to BG2 original or I have to wait BG2 : EE to continue with my main character.


  • ScotGaymerScotGaymer Member Posts: 526

    I would imagine u would have to wait?

    Though not sure. Maybe could work? Can't think of any reason why it wouldn't I mean.
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,448
    Since Shadow Keeper works fine on BG: EE character files I would guess it would work. I've successfully moved most of my old BG characters over to EE, the hardest thing was re-formatting all my custom portraits, and that's not really a big deal.
  • AllbrotherAllbrother Member Posts: 262
    You can
    Unless it's a blackguard
  • dragozadragoza Member Posts: 12
    Ok Thanks everyone... It's a Berserker so I Should be fine!
  • valkyvalky Member Posts: 386
    edited December 2012
    No shadowkeeper/whatever needed, import works just fine..with or without abusing the import option to have all you equip/inventory items.

    edit: despite of the modified items, which still use the bg2 basic could import a fully equiped 'whatever class' to BG2, with books, items, gems, stones...etc in your pockets. You'd have to abuse the import bug though, as you got stripped of everything, but why should suddenly take all your gear away and waste it, instead of repositioning it in some locker :)
  • SilverstarSilverstar Member Posts: 2,207
    I guess everyone, myself included, is assuming you have Throne of Bhaal. If you do not, then you can't import a Wild Mage either. So Blackguard is a no-go, and Wild Mage might be if you don't have ToB.
  • VukiVuki Member Posts: 36
    If you play with a multiplayer party (with custom characters) can you import all of them to BG2 or just the protagonist?
  • SilverstarSilverstar Member Posts: 2,207
    A MP character file is no different from a SP character file. You should be able to import all of your characters.
  • VukiVuki Member Posts: 36
    Thank you!
  • sebassebas Member Posts: 57
    edited December 2012
    I tried importing a BGEE char into BG2 and it worked fine. Obviously, Blackguards are a no-no. There might be issues with imported items as well but that should be fine since you can just console them if you really want to.
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