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[Request] Remove game stutter with dragons and too many visual effects.

AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
Originally posted on /r/FriendsOfBaldursGate by Ascension64.
I took the liberty to repost it here for Ascension64 hasn't done so yet despite having an account on this forum. I apologize if this was uncalled for.

One of the most annoying encounters I have had are with dragons and too many visual effects. For me, they slow the game down so much it makes the game rather unplayable. The issue was never really resolved, as Icewind Dale 2 had issues with this also. The slowdown appears independent of the processor speed and seems limited by how much drawing needs to occur in one AI update.

Could you please attempt fix these issues for BGEE?


  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    On a related note, I remember either @CameronTofer or @TrentOster saying on Twitter that the machete work that has been done on the code (and especially on the rendering engine) already fixes slowdowns, so this has possibly already been taken care of.
  • BhryaenBhryaen Member Posts: 2,874
    Yes, Trent mentioned this on Beamdog when I described a problem I have with regular BG1 whereby the game lags and gets miserably choppy when I enter areas that have ambient sounds in them, particularly the ankheg farm where the pit screeches are constantly looping. Actually it's not certain that their coding work would fix that, as Trent said it might, but the sort of binds that the machete work resolves does appear to include audio accounting. Then again my Vista regularly goes bonkers when merely playing music off of YouTube as well, so...
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    Maybe this is less a problem with the game, and more with Vista. ;)

    I'm looking forward to a much more streamlined game. My computer's pretty powerful, but when I play Civilization V it still slows to a crawl. I know it's not my computer, because Deus Ex: Human Revolution runs like a dream, and it's much more graphics-intensive. So yes, I definitely appreciate streamlined code.
  • KoreKore Member Posts: 245
    Trent or Cam did say that the cause of this was everything being joined together and everything being loaded at once which caused everything to attempt to load everything else so in the end each item is loaded multiple times.... or something to that effect if I understand correctly. Anyway, I'm pretty sure it's being dealt with :)
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