I imagine a blade with defensive spin (-10 ac), barkskin (around -4 ac depends on level), pot of defence (0AC), 18 dex, drizzts defending scimitar, ring of prot +2, cloak of balduran, and helm of balduran and a buckler, you could make -27AC
I imagine a blade with defensive spin (-10 ac), barkskin (around -4 ac depends on level), pot of defence (0AC), 18 dex, drizzts defending scimitar, ring of prot +2, cloak of balduran, and helm of balduran and a buckler, you could make -27AC
Barkskin and potion of defence both set your base AC, so they wouldn't stack.
I tend to split the def between the two frontline fighters. But in BG2 I remember Jaheria having -15 without buff and without raising her DEX (i think)
@SpaceInvader It's actually -20 + dex modifier + single weapon style modifier + specific weapon type protection (e.g. vs slashing). Therefore if you can boost dexterity you can get lower AC.
Dexterity tome Machine of Lum the Mad Deck of Many Things Hell Trials (I think ???) Shuruppak's Plate
With those you could have a permanent 24 dexterity and -28 AC.
Lowest AC would probably be a blade. AC 10 base - 10 from one of the several potions that set the base AC to 0 - 4 from dex (Could go lower with several tomes, but...) - 2 from ring - 1 from cloak of baludran - 3 from blur (Spell) - 2 from a +1 small shield. - 10 from defensive spin
That's -22, right there. That's a lot, even in BG2.
@SpaceInvader It's actually -20 + dex modifier + single weapon style modifier + specific weapon type protection (e.g. vs slashing). Therefore if you can boost dexterity you can get lower AC.
Dexterity tome Machine of Lum the Mad Deck of Many Things Hell Trials (I think ???) Shuruppak's Plate
With those you could have a permanent 24 dexterity and -28 AC.
Oh you're right, -28 (-20 AC, -6 with DEX bonus, -2 for single weap style) Btw no, Hell's Trials do not grant DEX in any way. But you can lose 1 point, instead xD
I remember AC getting more and more useless the further I progressed into TOB... That's why I tend to try putting points into two-weapon style when I can.
And bg or bg2?
Bg1 no buffs probably around -8 or -9
So theoreticaly, you could have infinite AC :P
All ye folk proud of yer negative ACs. Hrmph!
Swashbuckler level 5 (- 2 AC) with 18-20 dex, full plate, ring of protection + 2, baldurans' cloak and helmet, shield +2 and Drizzt scimitar.
Dexterity tome
Machine of Lum the Mad
Deck of Many Things
Hell Trials (I think ???)
Shuruppak's Plate
With those you could have a permanent 24 dexterity and -28 AC.
AC 10 base
- 10 from one of the several potions that set the base AC to 0
- 4 from dex (Could go lower with several tomes, but...)
- 2 from ring
- 1 from cloak of baludran
- 3 from blur (Spell)
- 2 from a +1 small shield.
- 10 from defensive spin
That's -22, right there. That's a lot, even in BG2.
Btw no, Hell's Trials do not grant DEX in any way. But you can lose 1 point, instead xD